This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

No Subject

Post 41

Researcher U634370

No your right its not funny for real smiley - mouse

MMMMmmm the babies eating the TROLL, and when is a troll not a troll?

Yes I want to be a smiley - wizard funny you should say that I have someone coming to see me in the morning about it.

Must go smiley - sleepy now

No Subject

Post 42


I have no idea what you are talking about.

=But a promise is a promise, so yet again ( me = smiley - tit ) I am cancelling out of here)

Just beam me up S...........

No Subject

Post 43

Researcher U634370

Well sometimes I have no idea what your talking about either?!

The smiley - wizard being in reference to a training course for webmaster?

Your choice if you want to go I thought we were just have a bit of mutual fun obviously not? I enjoyed our little messages so I have no idea what's caused you offence?

Take care

B smiley - hug and xx

No Subject

Post 44


Just look at your message of 30 minutes ago !!

What is wrong with you ?

Why do you hate me ?

No Subject

Post 45


This is the message which makes no sense. Deliberately so for you.

No Subject

Post 46

Researcher U634370

I certainly do not hate you, how could I? I don't know you.

If I don't understand your messages I just except it and forget about it but if you send cryptic messages then people tend to answer back in a cryptic way that's all that's happened? Its just a misunderstanding as far as I'm concerned, it really is no big deal.

Now I'm wideawake no I'm not going to blame you, I just don't want you to feel upset or hurt in anyway.

Please take care.

B xx

No Subject

Post 47



Too late, babe,

No Subject

Post 48

Researcher U634370

I'm not smiley - cross with you either, smiley - erm exasperated, bewildered yes maybe.

But then how can I be with someone who is Only Make Believe.

smiley - cheerup

See ya! xx

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