This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

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Post 1


I am smiley - laughing............

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Post 2

Researcher U634370

What r u loike?!

Fancy a smiley - coffee?!

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Post 3


I think I gotta go ! Where did you fancy the smiley - tea (sorry coffee !)
Anyway, wotruloike !!!!!!!!!

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Post 4

Researcher U634370

Somewhere exotic? Thought you might need to stay awake? smiley - laugh

Bye! C u Soon.

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Post 5


Somewhere exotic ! Too smiley - sleepy

See you tomorrow.............late maybe. Manyana smiley - erm spelling.....

Arrivererla (don't mod me again, please !) bad ass !



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Post 6

Researcher U634370

I know! smiley - magic Instant bank transaction completed, I always keep my word. smiley - sadface

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Post 7

Researcher U634370

Children in Need a/c of course! smiley - smiley

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Post 8


Good for yousmiley - biggrin

Why are you sad at keeping your wordsmiley - erm If you've promised money, you have to pay........

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Post 9


smiley - biggrin

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Post 10


Just thought I would drop you a quick line. So so cold here today and very dark and depressing.smiley - wah
Made soup.

Have you managed to come down here lately ? smiley - biggrin Keep looking out for you in The Mall.

All the shops have their Christmas decorations up smiley - reindeersmiley - santa.

I can't bear the thought of Xmas shoppingsmiley - erm

Hope Lucy and everyone else is fine. Are you still dancing ? I danced last night. Don't asksmiley - blush

Must smiley - run

Take care !

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Post 11

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

I was smiley - sadface because its all an outlet for me sometimes I just get carried away didn’t think of implications/busy time etc., still it woke me up, I’ve being smiley - online2long! The virtual sofa got a mention on the SW slot in the afternoon the specific thread has disappeared now. smiley - magic

Are you going to become an assassin then or are you already one?

Why am I talking to a virtual OMB I have no idea smiley - laugh. I wish I could write like you, I would like to write an entry but lack the confidence believe or not! Grammar and expressing myself in words has never been my strong point.

Do you think you will ever write an entry for this guide, but I guess you can’t because you are Only Make Believe? smiley - biggrin NB wrote one about Radio 2 it was rejected, with encouragement to carry on, no doubt you know that. I always think it’s a shame they all debate it all the time and have a lot of knowledge, I’m sure they could pool it and write something really good.

Been a good girl done all my ironing yesterday, a little shopping in the afternoon bought Christmas cards, few bits and bobs. Watched Prisoner of Azkaban DVD came out yesterday. HP loves HP and still dresses up as him even though he’s 11. Going for a walk this afternoon……….Perkins will be pleased.

Any suggestions what to get 3 year old step-grandson for Japan? It must be light as it costs a fortune to post. Plus it seems pointless to send goods from the Far East back again! Difficult, girls are much easier all boys toys etc. are to big! Great Grandma is sending plastic dinosaurs from Woolworths. Perhaps I shall get some of the Thomas the Tank collectables, can you get the books in Japan though?

Not sure about Mall this year, friend may come up here and do the Bull Ring instead.

Lucy is ok better than she was. Thanks for asking.

Re dance I know you said not to ask but your not THE JB are you? smiley - laugh

Bye for now

BDG smiley - kiss

No Subject

Post 12


Hello BDG

It's snowing here, so I thought of you. Here's a smiley - snowball !

I don't think I will ever be an assassinsmiley - wah. How about you ? I didn't know NB had written anything about Radio 2. I thought IT would be more up his street smiley - erm You, B, are a brilliant writer. You put forward so many things for discussion and you're interesting. Spelling's not importantsmiley - biggrin It's what you have to say ! I've not been on the message boards for ages. When I last looked there were lots of new names and I'm too shy to join insmiley - erm

Going shopping next week. Definitely. I hate the thought of it though.
Oh, H told me that Perkins has gone away. I expect he's gone to Malta again. Or perhaps Gozosmiley - ok
No ideas for your 3 year old. Leggo is always good. Where's that made these days I wonder.

Must smiley - run now. I'm going to make some mince pies. I love to cook.

Take care, smiley - hug,

smiley - kiss

No Subject

Post 13

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

smiley - biggrin great to see you back the place didn't seem the same without you.

Did you have fun sking? Sounds great something I've never done would like to try though. Nearest I've been is Tamworth snowdome! I love smiley - snowballs and sledging. My fondest memories being the winter of 1963 when my Dad build us a real igloo in the garden and it lasted for months.

It's funny how we perceive ourselves isn't it? I think I'm boring and you feel too shy to join in. Anyway you lovely comments cheered me up. The new girls Tumbly and Chorlton seem fun, we could do with a good fantasy.

Perkins disappeared because he was put out about something not sure what. He's very intriging isn't he? I love Gozo and Malta many happy holidays there....

Must smiley - run as I have Lucy's room to get ready for when she returns from school. Plus I have to go to a charity do tonight with Paul Hunter and Matt Stevens again. smiley - smiley

Speak soon.

smiley - love BDG

No Subject

Post 14


Hi BDG !

How are you smiley - smiley

Never been to Malta or Gozo, but it seems very popular smiley - winkeye Must try it sometime......Do you think if we asked very very nicely, Mr Perkins would come back ? I sometimes think I might do that, but then I think, hey don't be an smiley - erm

Hope you had a good night tonight. Out on the town again !! Now that's something I can't see T n C doing ! smiley - laugh

Trouble with T and C, I can't tell them apart. But they are more your age group than mine. They seem very capable and organised, not like some of the girls I know smiley - laugh
But it's my fault really as I never read their messages properly. I remember little Bc made me laugh when he said he'd been modded for asking T if she was male or female or something. He has a way with words doesn't he.

I can't remember the winter of 1963. Was it a hard one ?

Have a lovely week-end, catch you later,

Hope kids and Mr BDG all well,

smiley - hug and xx


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Post 15

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

I'm here listening to Jase came in and felt wideawake everyone else is asleep. I'm an .

Forgot to say little ones sorted got Mr G to phone (men eh?!) Thomas collectables ordered and despatched.

I'm having a smiley - redwine yes I've always been a party animal smiley - zoom says I liven things up not sure that's true I'm just a bit smiley - baty.

smiley - zoom has tried asking nicely for Perkins he will return when he's ready he could be the pipe smoker on JV? Who knows smiley - laugh

Mmmmmm yes C & T a bit similar I thought perhaps C was a plant but then that's the beeb for you.... smiley - laugh I still have visions of Jeremy rushing in here as Crazy Jeremy when Corrie created the page about him. Appeals to my sense of humour some how.

They are younger than me C seems to come from the same area as me and knows all the pubs I used to frequent in my youth, they all seemed to have been owned by her family!?

Strange you don't remember the winter of 1963 it started on boxing day and didn't clear until March so I'm told......perhaps you were a young girl with other things on your mind?

Done some shopping, not so bad once you start smiley - winkeye

Feeling smiley - sleepy now smiley - yawn I shall be smiley - zzz soon.

See you tomorrow? Perhaps we could have a party for Aitch's 4000, she's becoming famous.

smiley - love BD smiley - fish xx

No Subject

Post 16


Good morning !!

Here's a smiley - coffee, will reply later. Have a good day whatever a smiley - batty does

and a smiley - hug

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Post 17



I did remember seeing the crazy thing a couple of weeks ago. I thought to advance it, but I can'tsmiley - erm

Skiing is very good for the hipssmiley - biggrin, all that moving from side to side. Hard for the knees thoughsmiley - sadface You should try it sometime. As you're a night hawk you'd love the apres ski. Goes on aaaaaaaaaall night. But only if you want it to of course. smiley - laugh

Yes, if smiley - zoom can't get P back, then who can ?

Aitch is becoming notorious ! She is such a sweet thing isn't she.

1963 eh ? I'll have to work on that one. A young girl !! smiley - blush Honestly I was........

See you later smiley - bigeyessmiley - hug

No Subject

Post 18

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

Thanks for the smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley

I have had a most unproductive day culminating in a visit to B&Q to purchase some silver speaker brackets at 8pm this evening. The first two lots I purchased from Focus being far toooooo complicated to assemble smiley - yikes.

Still I picked up some silver smiley - star's to decorate Lucy's room with. I'm all behind with everything and 120 christmas cards to write so I'm smiley - flustered.

Mr G was smiley - cross today and I kept giving him the smiley - evilgrin sometimes he has no sense of humour. smiley - laugh

HP and I were in fits at Paul B putting his hand in the rocks to get the smiley - stars out tonight you have to smiley - laugh.

Aitch is lovely missed her party tonight still putting up speakers. But smiley - eureka Mr G's drill came up trumps in the end.

I love anything that's good for the hips hence the dancing sure I'm would enjoy the apres ski as long as I didn't end up smiley - somersaulting down the slopes.

Very smiley - sleepy after staying up late last night.

BD smiley - fishsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

PS PG has tracked Perkins down on the England boards perhaps we should go and be firm with him or smiley - tickle him and make him come back? A plan is called for.....

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Post 19


smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Morning smiley - fish

Hey, that PG is one smiley - hotdog Fancy trawling through 755 Message Boards. smiley - bigeyes
Personally, I would have expect Perkins to be on the Nature Board - Passionate about Pets smiley - tit.
But maybe PG has only got as far as A - B eh smiley - weird

Janet was ousted ! smiley - yikes

That PB ! What is he loike smiley - groan Way to go boy !

Anyway, just having a smiley - mars bar. I'm totally exhausted. It's hard being a smiley - surfer

Went to the panto yesterday. Guess which one ? Clue, the smiley - pumpkin was turned into a glass coach........
Yes, smiley - cat in Boots. smiley - applausesmiley - applause
Stay smiley - cool out there,

love and smiley - hugsmiley - hug XX

TGI'm not working today. But I can't face the CS. If that Crumbly brings in another almond croissant I shall smiley - wah and smiley - wah. Then someone asks for a full English with their smiley - chick sunny side up ! And if that wasn't bad enough, cucumber sandwiches, smiley - chocsmiley - cake and smiley - tea in the afternoon. The amount of food that gets wasted beggars belief. But as you so very wisely says, that's the beeb for you.

Must smiley - run and smiley - run

No Subject

Post 20

Researcher U634370

Evening OMB

smiley - fish calling smiley - mars

I've built you a smiley - snowman

You are a smiley - laugh I did a smiley - somersault when I read your message just....I did wonder where PG gets the time to trawl through 755 MB's although "Billy Muggins" reckons it's 400.

I think I shall launch Concorde 0071/2 on a girls night out if I get time before smiley - santa arrives with his smiley - reindeer perhaps that will tempt virtual Perkins back - we need a good story line, where shall we go? Can't you use your vivid imagination? smiley - biggrin We could go in fancy dress?

No the temptations of the CS don't make my smiley - tongueout hang out lately. Some how cucumber virtual sandwiches don't do it for me. smiley - yuk and smiley - yawn I'd rather have a smiley - bleepsmiley - porkpie. Some people never get to smiley - eureka do they? smiley - laugh

Well I've decked the hall with smiley - holly and the smiley - xmastree is up smiley - nahnah got a fab hanging chandelier thingy from IKEA.

Off to Exeter tomorrow to school carol service meeting Mike for a drink he's a bit down so we will be trying to cheer him up! No doubt a few smiley - ale's will help and a smiley - stiffdrink for me!

I think you need counselling to get you off the smiley - pumpkin's smiley - winkeye

It's the smiley - witching hour and I've got work tomorrow and now I'm smiley - bigeyes. smiley - doh

smiley - love BD smiley - fishsmiley - hug & smiley - kiss

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