This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

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Post 21


smiley - mars to smiley - fish Typical of these BBC cut backs, no sign for Venus. smiley - aliensmile

Saw that PB was 2nd. What a smiley - skull-case he turned out to be. Joe won smiley - loveblush

Today I am working againsmiley - wahsmiley - santa has been taking all my money. Only one more day TGIF. Thanks for your smiley - snowman He's still here. smiley - brrsmiley - brr

I think Perkins may have died. smiley - boing

Why's Mike so smiley - blue Perhaps he's the one could do with a smiley - stiffdrink What happened to his smiley - lover Rachael ?

We know who can do the smiley - pumpkin counselling ehsmiley - winkeye All that ying tang ying tang.
Oh that reminds me. Had a myrrh and frankinscence bath bomb this morning smiley - drool

Going to Scotland soon. Will bring back some Dundee smiley - cake for the crumbly person. Spect it will be toasted and buttered in front on a smiley - bleep open fire with the smiley - dog
smiley - cdouble later, have a good one !

smiley - mistletoe and smiley - bubbly Sir Cliff's singing on the Xmas CD......

No Subject

Post 22

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

A large smiley - bubbly much appreciated...

Sang lots of carols today, ate curry and smiley - cheesecake a strange combination...

Must smiley - run now...will reply fully soon.

smiley - love

BD smiley - fishsmiley - hugsmiley - hug & XX

PS Mike is smiley - blue because his cousin aged 35 with two young children dropped dead last Friday. smiley - sadface

No Subject

Post 23


Hello smiley - fish

Been to carols tonight.

Ate smiley - tomatosoup and smiley - flan

Must smiley - zoom.

smiley - ok

No Subject

Post 24

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

Are you smiley - zoomed yet? Nearly caught you flying over....smiley - biggrin

I'm shopped out gave up when I couldn't carry any more bags. Got too hot and smiley - flustered in the babe coat.

Tried to drum up a little interest in a party smiley - yikes still we will see who appears will you be around? It's hard work but I've have to keep going someone has to smiley - laugh

I'm having my hair and nails done tomorrow which will take up most of the day. Feeling quite festive......can't wait for smiley - santa and the smiley - reindeer ooooh and the smiley - mistletoe.

BD smiley - fishsmiley - hug

No Subject

Post 25


Hello smiley - fish

I only smiley - zoomed for 5 minutes..........had work to do elsewhere smiley - evilgrin

Your strenous efforts to drum up support have not escaped me. I smiley - laughed and smiley - laughed. No, I won't be aroundsmiley - biggrin

Maybe smiley - sheep will be interested in a partysmiley - smiley Otherwised he's stuck in all the time with an OAP.

Mike, have to laugh else you'd smiley - wah

No Subject

Post 26

Researcher U634370

Ah your back you little smiley - devil you.

smiley - erm didn't think you would be somehow, be around that is, toooo shy (cough) they are open until midnight if I last that long smiley - groan. Will you have departed to Scotland or maybe you could make a cameo appearance in disguise?

Someone has to rally the troops shame I can't get paid for it like's the cut backs smiley - laugh still it will keep the Host happy as he's worried about having to reapply for his job again smiley - laugh.

Yes you do have to smiley - laugh but then that's life isn't it? Lucy has a very wicked sense of humour especially when I get cross with people on her behalf. I'm a very scary woman in real life apparently....

Poor smiley - sheep has no computer for the evenings....there should be a smiley for smacking hands. smiley - winkeye

smiley - bigeyes

No Subject

Post 27


OMG what are you loike smiley - fairy

I'm drinking smiley - cappuccino My moustache has gone white.

Lucy is lucky to have you. Are you one of these scary smiley - monster women when you're very smiley - cross ?

I'm a bit of a wuss smiley - mouse.....smiley - erm

Today I am going to buy some smiley - bunny boots and a new tartan poncho

They'll be great to wear in Scotland - I don't want to look a smiley - geek

Remember the night smiley - nurse for your cough,

Happy Hannukkah smiley - santa

smiley - online2long

No Subject

Post 28

Researcher U634370

Morning I gave the kippers a miss smiley - yikes

There great the smiley - bunny boots are you going to get a smiley - bunny handbag as well they are more like sacks smiley - laugh

I'm off to be beautified in a little while so never fear I shan't be smiley - online2long.

One more quick smiley - coffee and then I shall be smiley - zooming

No Subject

Post 29



Of course I didn't get the smiley - bunny bag. You're just being silly nowsmiley - laugh

My, don't you look the perfect smiley - diva

Hey, have you had artificial tan treatment, only you're looking a bit smiley - orangefish

Sorry only joking. You look a real smiley - chick

No Subject

Post 30

Researcher U634370

Hello muse smiley - mousesmiley - erm

Have you been following me this evening? smiley - yikes I do feel good this evening/morning I'm nearly blonde now and it does look good even if I do say so myself. My nails are silver with black smiley - cat like stripes.

Could have pulled tonight, but not my type of man in the pits of down town where I live. I had to tell a couple of guys off god some people have no manners. They were most apologetic and went off all meakly. Still we had a good time and I'm feeling at least 20 years younger all smiley - discoy and smiley - bubbly we got a free bottle because the meal was late.

I'm thinking of a large get together/fund raiser for next year perhaps I might even persuade Jezza to come, do you think Aitch could use her influence smiley - laugh. I bumped into my friend the attractive young Councillor yesterday in Boots and he said he would help with another event. He's a bit right wing but very charming smiley - loveblush anyway I'm meeting him for a drink to put the world to rights.

The lady in the pub I met Mike in on Tuesday had an extra large smiley - bunny handbag. I'm into small bags at the moment the one I had this evening is black with ostrich feathers and diamonds (fake unfortunately!) Very chic though......

I'm pale skinned not overly smiley - orangefishsmiley - laugh

Perkins is still ignoring us/me ah well plenty more fish in the sea smiley - laugh

Have we gone past a smiley - hug and xx hope not?! Oh and a smiley - tickle

Feeling smiley - sleepysmiley - yawn

smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

No Subject

Post 31

Researcher U634370

The day after the night before and I'm feeling smiley - panda eyes and my smiley - headhurts a little.

Oh I was in a smiley - silly mood last night I'm very faithfull really just enjoy my fantasies.

A couple of nights ago I dreamed I was with all people Sean Connery in his younger days he was in a tuxedo smiley - laugh probably the 0071/2 that triggered it smiley - erm

smiley - groan christmas cards to write ......smiley - zoom

No Subject

Post 32


Catch you later.........smiley - bigeyes

No Subject

Post 33


Did yu hear H on Jeremy. 8 months gone smiley - yikes

No Subject

Post 34

Researcher U634370

Well Good evening OMB

smiley - erm do you mean when she was on with her fear of dentists? Was it 8 months ago well yes then smiley - yikes.

All Christmas cards written smiley - biggrin I have writers cramp. So I'm having a well earned glass of smiley - bubbly.

Trip to Lapland was OK! Helped by MYK from Bristl who appeared in a lime green leotard and Fly gave him some ear muffs because he has ears like a smiley - reindeersmiley - laugh. Still Phil enjoys being Cap't of 0071/2 I do wish they would give me a job. I'm such an smiley - angel really smiley - winkeye

Jase played along and even gave Rudolph the smiley - reindeer a mention its so much more fun when you do it to smiley - musicalnotes and smiley - disco.

God the CB is dead these days.

Did you get your smiley - bunny boots and poncho? Are you going to Scotland for smiley - santa or before? Brother and family coming this weekend, plus a dinner dance Friday night so I shall be a smiley - diva again. Then it's mum-in-law for Christmas and Bristl for New Year. Work in between smiley - wah

Duty calls I have a message from Lapland it's a hard life.

BD smiley - fishsmiley - hug & smiley - tickle

No Subject

Post 35


A very good morning to you ! smiley - sleepy

I am having my hair done tuesday a la Sharron O. I will be magenta smiley - brave

smiley - erm 8 months ago, at the dentists smiley - huh I expect you're right...what a memory you have smiley - envy

Did you all go to Lapland smiley - laugh. No I didn't go or follow you anywhere. I have other smiley - orangefish frying

No Subject

Post 36


A very good morning to you Blondie smiley - blush Funny, I always think of yu with very white skin smiley - ghost You need the sun on your face, not the smiley - fullmoon

I am having my hair done Tuesday a la Sharron O. I will be magenta smiley - brave I may also have some antler extensions smiley - doctor. What do you think smiley - angel ?

smiley - erm 8 months ago, at the dentists smiley - huh I expect you're right...what a memory !

Did you all go to Lapland smiley - laugh. No I did NOT follow you anywhere. I have other smiley - orangefish frying smiley - ok You are a cheeky smiley - chick !!

Scotland is proving....interesting to a smiley - mouse

I am having my nails done tonight smiley - moon I'm going subtle. Alternate fingers red and white glitter, with a little cotton wool smiley - snowball on each thumb.

smiley - goodluck with your dinner dance smiley - biggrin Don't eat too much else you'll get smiley - stout

I am waiting for smiley - elfsmiley - clown to call me in 10 minutes. Yes, the CB is smiley - yawn Pity. I blame the 'unpleansantness'

See ya smiley - star...

smiley - hug n kisses smiley - runsmiley - run

No Subject

Post 37

Researcher U634370

Hello OMB

Well I've been very busy at work smiley - wah basically all my poor clients have been left while I've been off. Plus I work with a smiley - elfsmiley - witch who worships small smiley - dogs smiley - grr.

smiley - erm Your last two messages confused me a little, I can just about keep up with my friend the cryptic smiley - esuom but who is the smiley - elfsmiley - clown?? Not something nut like?!

Only just logged on missed all the excitement tonight re R2MB etc. and Aitch on again!! I'm hopeless never even had a smiley - bleep email read out not that I've sent many, can't be bothered. They are all so very excited has Scott fallen out with Nick at last? I'm glad I didn't bother to re register on the last 3 sites in a week smiley - laugh what a performance!

The tongue in cheek "following" reference was in respect of accurate description of real night out not Lapland! More than willing to help fry smiley - orangefishsmiley - winkeye if I can be of assistance? Anything for a change oh please.

I have a very good memory for somethings particularly what's said and nunbers but ask me to name a tune/artist and my mind is a complete blank smiley - doh.

I'm having a midnight feast of smiley - chocsmiley - popcornsmiley - toffeeapplesmiley - crispssmiley - donutsmiley - flan and smiley - strawberries washed down with a glass of smiley - milk so enjoy.........

smiley - hug and smiley - tickle

cheeky smiley - chick

No Subject

Post 38


Hello Cheeky Cheeky smiley - chicksmiley - chick

I guessed you worked very closely with a smiley - witch

Poor girl to be on the radio againsmiley - erm She must be very lonely.

Nick's got problems with his site again ? smiley - tit

Sorry, cannot smoke any smiley - orangefish with you.

Still, you've had lots of smiley - laughs

But, nevertheless,a happy Christmas to you and a prosperous New Year.

See ya

No Subject

Post 39

Researcher U634370

Nah I had smoked smiley - orangefish last I'm not missing much

Yeah smiley - tit is right you'd think he'd want to chase smiley - tits but then maybe he's into smiley - elfs smiley - laugh

Yes loneliness is the centre of it all for most, but for some it is entertainment, for the smiley - esuoms it is? Ah well thats a different story.........

No Subject

Post 40


It's NOT funny for smiley - mouse Convince me otherwise.

All I do know that it's entertainment for smiley - wizard. Oh yes, and the rest.

Reminds me of the story of Rumplestilstkin smiley - erm - but in reverse order. Why did smiley - elf have to know the name ?

(Oh, and it's still a smiley - laugh)

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