This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm just popping in as one of the assistant community editors here, we greet/welcome recent registrants like yourself & give them a few tips or pointers for getting around the site. First of all, since you are quite new you can visit the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page@ A868098 , or for another (perhaps more generic, or broader) welcome visit the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 . Oh, & it probably wouldn't hurt to hop a smiley - bus ...any smiley - bus, to take the <./>dontpanictour</.>...just in case. smiley - winkeye

The bus there is just one of the many smieys, you'll find the complete categorized list@ A155909 . It gives simple instructions for using/creating each one & you'll be able to refer back to it at any time by typing smileys into the search window. I have to give you a pat on the back & a hearty "Well done!" for putting something on your page right away & just add that there's certainly nothing wrong with asking for a bit of help. I have to admit, initially registering, etc can be an intimidating experience for a newcomer or newbie. At some point you can expand or modify your page a bit, by looking at 'spicing up your page', that's@ A690518 . Or there's also 'the picture gallery'@ A692741 , as well as 'the GuideML clinic'@ A187229 . I've been told that if you've done any HTML, you shouldn't have any real trouble with that. Yet another decorative feature offered by h2g2, is/are the choice of wallpapers for your computer@ A1136242 .

A number of my ACE colleagues have compiled lists of links designed to assist new researchers. You'll find Seraphina's Links@ A1919937 , Shea's List is@ A534953 , Midnight Angel's Links are@ A1103815 , while Feisor's List Of Links can be found@ A719840 . Feisor wisely suggests getting out & meeting people, you've got a few options in that regard. First, there's the Drinkers smiley - cheers Club for new researchers@ A2215450 . Just leave a message there & you'll get another greeting, as well as 'meeting' some of the other recent registrants. Second, is the variety of Clubs & Socieies here at h2g2 or hootoo as its also're sure to find all sorts of like-minded people there ( A660340 ).

The 3rd option is yours truly, lol. Feel free to click on my underlined nickname at the top of this message to visit my page/space at some point & leave me a note there. Or I suppose just use the 'Reply' button below, that'll also send me a message.

In any case, take your time going over the smileys, & all the links...there's alot to see & do here. Hope you're settled in, & feeling a bit more at home before too, too long...bye for now! *waves*

ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 2

Researcher U634370

smiley - biggrin Hi Ace I'm still a little confused as its all totally new, it seems my sort of place though!! Thanks for your lovely message and advice - I have lots to learn.

BDG smiley - fish

ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Nice to get a reply from you. Just relax as much as possible, it takes awhile for everything to soak in, so to speak. Glad you like the place, I've really become quite fond of it myself as I've gotten to know my way around a bit & met people I most likely wouldn't have otherwise.

ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 4

Researcher U634370

Hiya smiley - smiley not sure what to call you? smiley - erm how do some of you have such long names is one thing that puzzles me?

I'm having problems trying to post a link on my introduction page it seem to work in a message like here but the words "LINK" are showing when I just previewed!!

The link seems to be working though.

What am I doing wrong????

Your help would be much appreciated. smiley - ta


ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm, unfortunately, I'm not sure...I simply type http, then:, //, then the addy, when I'm posting a link.

As for the length of some of our names, most of us periodically change the titles or suffixes about, for awhile I was "jazzedupcurry, bearer of assorted fine dark chocolate or at least that which he hasn't already eaten", you can use the 'Preferences' button in the lefthand margin to do that...oh,& just call me jaz'd. smiley - winkeye

ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 6

Researcher U634370

Hi Jaz'd I've just done smiley - biggrin it I was missing out my description.... smiley - ta anyway for your quick response. And for the preferences tip I did wonder!

I think I'm done for the night off to smiley - zzz

Have a good weekend.

BDG smiley - smiley

ACE's greeting & welcome 'BDG'!

Post 7

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Actually I've just looked at your page, & you seem to have done quite nicely.

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