Journal Entries

There is logic in here... somewhere...

Ok, so I was talking to Blondie and the topic was magazines, right.

So now we're talking about men's and women's magazines and after arguing about it, she has now decided that any man who reads men's magazines must be gay.

She was trying to work out how men can possibly read the drivel in men's magazines. So I figured I'd use comparative arguing against her and...well ...smiley - didn't quite come out too well...smiley - footinmouth

Coz my argument came out like this...:

"Well, women read women's magazines because they are full of women and womenly things, so it follows that men read men's magazines, because they are full of...well...smiley -"

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2007

Luke, I am your father...

And I have Princess Leia hanging over my shoulder right now watching me type this. And trying to tell me what to type. And will get chased off if she doesn't stop it soon.smiley - biggrin
I think the whole princess-thing has gotten to her head. Well she mustn't expect any royal treatment from me! smiley - tongueout

Well, I'm at home now.smiley - somersault
Took a while for me to get here coz the docter was sorting out my meds, forms, etc...
But I'm here now! smiley - ok

They moved the old lady out of my room yesterday (party on!).

And dear little R2D2 came to say hi to me this morning. He's one of the kids that was playing Star Wars yesterday. He wanted to know if Obi-Wan was coming outside today. So I told him that Obi-Wan was leaving in a while, and the poor kid almost cried. We'd made up the story as we went along (though Gordon and Prov kept correcting me anyway - smiley - geeks!) coz I didn't know it very well and so R2D2 had been my robot instead of Luke's.
Then Prov arrived at my room trailing little Luke behind her, also all upset because his Leia was leaving smiley - laugh
Luckily Vader works there, so they'll have him for company.

In case you missed the other thread and are wondering what on earth I'm on about, yesterday I got roped into helping sort out a star-wars game with two kids who decided they both couldn't be Luke but neither wanted to be Vader. And my crutches would make good lightsabers so they told me.smiley - laugh
So Prov got myself and Gordon (male nurse and Prov's bf) involved. She was Leia, he was Vader and I was Obi-Wan Kenobi (sp?).
It got mighty funny when little Luke wanted to whisk his Leia away...smiley - rofl

So we messed around for a bit, using appropriate quotes from the story (that's actually very difficcult if you've never seen it and have to rely on jokes that you've heard), but I impressed myself with the whole "May the Force be with you" effort, while Gordon potted around feeling tremors in the Force.
Except when Luke was dying though and I started on "By the sands of Utah...", Gordon told me I had the wrong moviesmiley - erm. Apparently I was supposed to be telling him that the Force will always be with him, yada yada yada. I still think the whole avenging by the sands of Utah sounded more impressive.smiley - cool

And now Leia dearest has just had me rego through this changing all the little f's to capital F's in Force. smiley - geek

God I can't believe at my age I'm out playing Star Wars with 7yr olds!smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

And I've got two weeks left of no JD, and then you'll see how strong the Force is with this one!smiley - rofl

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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2007

You lose 150 calories an hour by banging your head against a wall.

Well that's what the nurse said. She thought I might apreciate some general knowledge. Bleh.

Don't read any further if you get smiley - bleeped off by insane ranting with no actual point.

Coz I'm fed up. And frustrated. And I want to get out of here and the docter has changed my meds AGAIN because I was allergic to the one lot and the next lot made my blood too thin and that caused enough problems on it's own which messed me up more and now they've put me on this other one that makes me feel so smiley - bleeping depressed that all I want to do right now is scream but I can't because they've put this old granny in my room now because she complains too much about people snoring and apparently I don't and I wonder if she knows that she is snoring right now anyway and it's a smiley - bleeping scary snoring and earlier she decided that I might just want to hear all the gory details about her hip operation and didn't she even see me gagging on the side and I'm sick of throwing up anyway so I don't know why the damn nurse keeps giving me this disgusting vomit-inducing stuff to drink coz I'm so smiley - bleeping sore from retching *throws pillow at the wall* and I want company but the hospital is so dull I mean everything is so monochromatic, white walls, white sheets, white pillows, white coats *screams* I never ever want to see white ANYTHING again! *curls up clutching the blanket* I feel like I'm losing it and I wish I was feeling normal but the docter said it's the medication and that it is normal to have that reaction to it and my body will get used to it after a while but I don't want to feel like a depressed idiot and I don't care how quickly it'll take for me to get used to it, I want it to stop NOW!!! smiley - bleep!!!! I can't do this and I'm so smiley - bleeping lonely I even went stumbling through to c-ward to find psycho-blondie for company but she just laughed at me and sent me back to bed with hot chocolate and told me that I'll be fine but she doesn't know how I'm feeling inside, nobody seems to understand how I'm feeling inside and I want to get out of here, I want to get out of these smiley - bleeping bandages and I want to be normal again like I used to be!!!!!!!!!!
*cries and hugs the other pillow*
*throws that at the wall too*
And now I sound like a little kid whining and complaining about everything.
Oh smiley - bleep it.
Maybe I'm just going to take up losing 150 calories an
*colapses back onto the bed*

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Latest reply: Jan 22, 2007

My journal is screwed up.

It's not doing what I want it to.

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Latest reply: Jan 22, 2007

Forgot this bit...

It seems I left quite an important bit out of my last journal....
Sorry, here it comes now.

My little sister was born on Christmas Eve as Cal told you smiley - smiley

She was one month premature owing to the fact that my mother was overly-stressed about my condition and the docter's were worried about her pregnancy and that she might lose the baby.
So on Christmas Eve they induced her labour and she gave birth to my fourth sister *counts kids to make sure he's got the right number*

Her name is Lilly-Moon and I got to meet her when we were both still in hospital, and yes she is adorable!smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2007

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