Journal Entries

Ray's Journal - Ummm...yeah

Ok so the docter told me yesterday that they have to put an artificial respirator in my 'dead' lung. They're operating tomorrow night.

Last night I think I really botched up too. With a lot of things. I shouted and swore at the one person I really really care about, who really doesn't deserve that from anyone, especially after being there for me all the time, and I was a total a**ewipe and I'm really so sorry about it...

And then I got the docter angry and he yelled at me and I just wanted to curl up and die somewhere quietly but that didn't happen, so I just cried myself to sleep.

That's it.

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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2007

Ray's Journal - R18

This is going to be a ramble, sorry.

Firstly to cover myself I have put an age restriction on this journal - there will most likely be smiley - bleeps, some more smiley - bleeps, drug usage, sexual innuendo, possible violence and maybe even nudity smiley - bigeyes.
I have warned you. In fact, I'm busy warning you right now.

I'm completely bored. I am now a master at 3D Pinball for Macs and I cannot get a higher score. I am also going through books at a rate of knots and my brain has now taken on the form of a small library. And I am a self-acclaimed artist. I discovered a funny little paint program on the laptop a while ago and I have since perfected the art of drawing stick men. I have a magnificent self-portrait which would sell for millions if people would only realise its value.

And my head is throbbing. (No Roy, not THAT head!smiley - tongueout)
And I need a back-rub if there are any offers and any arms long enough.

Blondie dearest has now made it an early morning thing to stop by my room and ask me "What's up?". After which I throw a pillow at her and tell her to bug off. Then about half an hour later she stops and asks "How's it hanging?" after which I throw another pillow at her and my language starts to worsen. Then I have to wait for someone else to come past to pass my pillows back.

The docter has changed my meds again. I'm starting to look like a druggie with all these needle marks in my arms. He came at me this morning again with that needle that feels like it's a power-drill going into my arm. Took two nurses to hold me down. I would actually quite like to sleep for a few days. That would be nice. And the meds they gave me yesterday made me wake up with all the symptoms of a hangover this morning - pounding head, aching bones, inability to see in bright light, no recollection of the previous night...

Providence came to visit me yesterday. That is my sister Providence. Not the foresight. And with her came Storme too (my 10 year old sis). Except that I'm sure my parents made a mistake when they called her Storme and they were supposed to have called her Whirlwind instead. She gets far more active everytime I see her.

As of last night they have reattached me to the machine that goes "beep". Or is it smiley - bleep? Well that's mainly what the docter says when the machine doesn't beep.

Hmmm let's see, what else?
Nothing I can think of.
Oh wait, I did say nudity in the intro... *flashes quickly*
Ok, all done now.

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Latest reply: Mar 8, 2007

I belong a hundred miles from anyone

Ok right, so I am not only physically smiley - bleeped right now, but I have decided that I'm menatlly and emotionally smiley - bleeped too. In fact I'm a wreck. And an smiley - bleep. And a complete smiley - bleep.

I'm just going to go off and hide somewhere.

*runs away*smiley - cry

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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2007

Raven: Here's the update.

Firstly I want to thank all of you for your support and apologise if I have snapped at anyone recently.
I'm going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment and I'm not taking it well mentally either which is why I've been refusing to talk about my condition.
So here it comes...
As most of you have probably worked out, I am back in hospital and have been for the past 3 weeks - I survived about 1 day at home then got rushed back here.
I was then moved to ICU, but on Satuday night I had cardiac arrest (heart stopped) and they had to put me on life-support. The docter says my heart cannot cope and it will not beat for itself.
So yeah...
They've tested it three times so far since Saturday to see if it will go on its own, but sadly that hasn't worked. They're going to keep trying though, coz the longer I stay plugged into the machine, the less chance I have of coming off it.
I figured I'd better let you know.

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Latest reply: Feb 15, 2007

The V-word...

Ok so today is supposed to be Valentines right. Hmmm...
I have none.smiley - crysmiley - crysmiley - cry
Ok well actually I have about 50, but they don't count because I don't even know who the hell these people are.smiley - erm My boss at work came around with some of the guys to help him carry all the flowers and stuff...they think it's hilarious. My hospital room now looks like a flower shop!
Although most have just been addressed to "The guy on the billboard"...smiley - laugh...although some people remember my name from the paper.
Ooooh and the girl who keeps sending me the ginger cookies has sent me more!!!smiley - smiley She makes them really nicely, but no, I am NOT going to marry her.
Gah and one is even addressed to "the little cutie from G" *dies on the spot* Why do people keep calling me cute?!!! I'm 28 for crying out loud!smiley - grr
And some people have even sent me their photos. Now what am I supposed to do with those?
So, I have about 50 female Valentines for you to choose from - who wants them?smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Feb 14, 2007

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