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welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 41


ok Jim i will probably see you on messenger. I hope you are having a good weekend. Your Birthday is soon and i will have a piece of cake for you. I can try to attach it to an e-mail but dont think it will send .lol
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 42

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
nice one, i,ll have to remember that lol.
if the pc i have is working, and the messenger will work, i,ll try to contact,about 20 mins to three ,my time on monday, this will hopefully give us 20 mins on the messenger, till i run out of time
smiley - discojimbob xxxxsmiley - rose

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 43


ok Jim,
I will watch for you on messenger on Monday at about 20 to 3 pm your time.
Susan xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 44


Happy Birthday Jim!!!! smiley - cake

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 45

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi and thankyou susan.
the only problem with being another year older, is i getting to feel old now,my legs are slower, i have to take breathers on hills lolsmiley - disco jimbob xxxxsmiley - rose

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 46


You're welcome Jim. I ate some of the cake but saved you a pice of it. Enjoy!! smiley - cake
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 47

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thank you susan,
it will go with a bottle ofor smiley - smiley
if you got my email you will know the pcs went kaput again, and screwd the two hours up.
i got 5mins till it blobbed, then one hour at 2pm till 3pm, sorry we missed on the shed and msn.ggrr the ruddy systemsmiley - disco jim xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 48


ok Jim we will try to hook up again on Tuesday smiley - smiley
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 49

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan

ive no emails again at home fromm 11pm last night, they where still off at 2pm when i came here to the libsmiley - discojimxxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 50

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan

looks as if the cable problem could be bad, its workmen laying new power cable have probably damaged the cable im using, if they can pull it back could a day or more, if its trapped the pavement will have to be lifted again, its a 600 yds long section ggrrsmiley - disco jimbob xxxxsmiley - sadface

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 51


Thanks for letting me know Jim. I have wondered what was happening at your end. I miss your e-mails my friend.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 52

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
iimmm bbaacckk lol
ive sent you an email from the active side.
if you get this in the next few hours, i,ll be on the messenge looking for you at 2-30pm my time
take care jimsmiley - discosmiley - rosexxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 53


I was just chatting with you on Atlantis. Yes i will see you on messenger at about 2:30 your time today.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 54

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
after 5 days in the dark, so to speak,its good to be able to visit on here from homesmiley - discojimxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 55


Hi Jim,
I am glad you have your active mail working again.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 56

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
ive caught up now,most of the things are spam, even on the active we get the spam ones.
on messenger we have the nudge,on here you go to the message,and even if its your message to someone, if you add a new one, its like the nudge to wake the thread up,because some on h2g2 get auto messages and if they dont come on daily, the days messages will no longer be there
so just send a repeat followup, and if the person is on, they will see its reappered,
check your online link, this will show if anyone is online you have messaged, is online,or as been in the last 15 mins smiley - discojimxxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 57


Thanks Jim,
I have gone to the online link and there are so many people on most times it is hard to find the name you are actually looking for. Have a good weekend my friend. It is only 5:45am here. I got up too early as
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 58

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
if you go to my space, on the top is a dotted the right hand side is a link to see who is new on the h2g2 up to the minute.
have a look on the list, and see if any stand out, then click and see if they have started their space,then if you like the intro, leave a welcome message, i think i saw one for a few days ago,with canada in the user name.
thats how me and the others got to know people on h2g2, we said high to a few to start and said we are also new and learning.
its the last link on the dotted link,befre the disco smiley.newcommers listsmiley - discojim xxxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 59

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit online 24/7
"< <./>online?thissite=1</.> > will only show the Researchers smiley - magic. You will have to refresh the page from the link to keep the list short. "

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 60

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi traveller i have the online on the links, i dont use it much now,just when i come on at first.
its a lot diff with the digibox, and less to see, as we only have 1mb limit,some spaces have so much on, it misses out the bottom half of the space lolsmiley - discojim

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