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welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 101

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
its raining and blowing a gale here, tipical for the start of the new year,hope you had a good new year, and didnt overdo the partying with your friends, but then it only comes once a yr, lol smiley - peacedove jim xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 102


Hi Jim,
We ate a lot of snacks and had a very good time visiting. I have not been online very much the past few days and i do apoligize for that. I hope you are doing well my friend.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 103

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
ive been ill for a few days, it started with the usual jan cold, but as progressed to full on flue.
my nose is blocked so sometimes breathing is getting hard, and im couching all the time,my throat is like a red hot poker as been down it at times.
for two days i couldnt eat much so i was exhausted, and last night,it got to me and i sort of collapsed( dont worry im ok)i will try to eat something at dinnertime.when i get flue, its a right pain,lol smiley - peacedove jim xxxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 104


Hi Jim,
O dear, have you been to the doctor? I hope you do get some rest and feel better soon my friend. Please keep me posted so that i don't worry.
your friend Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 105

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
i just ride a cold or flue out, im in the blocked nose, banging head, and hot and cold part now, i cant even get into my front passageway with shivering,its only 10-45, so i,ll wait midnight and then go to bed, any earlier and i wont sleep till morning.
smiley - peacedove jim xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 106


Did your plumber ever show up yet? I hope you are starting to feel better my friend..
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 107

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
its about 10am here, yep the plumber is here at this very moment, and about to fix a new radiator.
im still full of cold, and the weather is to bad to good outside, we are still having the high winds and rain at times.
hope your having better weather out in canada lolsmiley - peacedove jimbob xxxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 108


Hi Jim,
I am glad the plumber finally came to fix the radiator. I have a sinus infection and am taking antibiotics and nasal spray. Not feeling well at all but should be on the mend soon. smiley - smiley
The weather here is quite mild at the moment.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 109

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
my tw as become virgin media, what this will mean is that sometime before june the whole of my email and tv format will be changed, i might not be able to acsess this site only from the lib pc.
i cant get on the driven,i loggin and then when i acsess anything is a green space with you might be looged out, or timed out,and so sending an email to mick to see what wrong, ive done my bubble so i cant fathom why i cant get the games, jimbob xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 110


I will let Atlantis and Plymouth know what is happening. I am so sorry you can not get on driven.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 111

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
i expected something to ruin 2007, its always started a new year with some fiasco lol
just have to hope that the new company taking over the telewest(virgin media) dont alter more than the email addy adresses, or i could be left with only the things at the lib,including h2g2 smiley - peacedove jimbob xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 112


I hope you are doing well.Please keep me posted ok?
Thinking of you.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 113

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
im still plodding on, as they say. lol smiley - smiley
the lib as had to drop the firewall 2% of the 5% that was added, but i still cant get the driven site,
i got my forum back, and i can again message on the shedev and digitalport games ones.
so something is better than nothing lol smiley - peacedove leaving smiley - footprintsall the way to canada.jim xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 114


Happy Valentine's day Jim
Susan xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 115

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan,
same to you for yesterday.
hey im going to be rich in april, the benefits are going up a whopping £1-35 a week, so i,ll get £81-35 to live on a week instead of £80 lol
its about 2 bottles of milk or a large loaf of - peacedove jim xxxx
ps nothing from your end in the post yet xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 116


Hi Jim,
Wow! you will have all that extra money in April? How generous of them....haha
I am sure the letter i sent you will arrive to you soon my friend.
Susan xxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 117

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
could be tomz monday.
the benefits have never been one for paying large amounts, its supposed to be inline with inflation and the cost of
well another boring sunday nearly over, 6 hours and its monday. with luck and the lib pcs working, a better day than today.
first thing tomz i have to ring the housing, i cant get my front door pen, its jammed fast lol,could be a week till the housing fix it, with my luck.
smiley - peacedove jim xxxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 118


I remembered my password for susan1961 and now everything is fine...
Susan xxxx swalk

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 119

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi susan
you see what you could have lost you didnt, and with thought you found the missing p/word.
nothing is gone forever, unless you let.never let a page and text rule your life. ive been around on here for over 4 yrs as i said, and i could with one delete wipe all the 4 yrs, on every page, guide and so on.and it wouldnt phase me.
if when virgin as done we lose the h2g2 then it will be at the lib, if i carry on,in time the lib will be a memory, if as it is now never working, smiley - peacedove jim xxxxxxx
ps welcome susan1961, adios to susanlaura lol xxxxx

welcome back nto my weird world lol

Post 120


Hi Jim,
i don't let anything rule my life. i just wanted my account back. I am off now to watch some tv for awhile. I will talk with you tomorrow.
Susan xxxx

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