This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
Get well soon, Jim
Whisky Posted May 28, 2002
"I have a recurring cramp in my bum"
Oh, poor you, that must be a real pain in the ar*e!!!
Sorry, couldn't resist that one Jim
Take care of yourself anyway, its nice to see you on-line but don't get carried away and start working from home...
Get well soon, Jim
Jim Lynn Posted May 28, 2002
"don't get carried away and start working from home..."
You mean aside from the couple of hours yesterday I spent investigating a potential bug in the upgrade code? (False alarm, by the way, but I needed to check).
I'm going to have to restrict my email reading, or just stop replying, otherwise it does keep coming.
Posting to h2g2 isn't work, though.
Get well soon, Jim
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted May 28, 2002
Some of us post to H2G2 when we're *supposed*
to be working (not that I'm doing that now, as
it is tehcnically my lunch hour now )
Get well soon, Jim
Peta Posted May 28, 2002
Hi Jim,
Try sleeping on your side, but with a pillow between your knees. That worked well for me, don't know why, but it did!
Get well soon, Jim
Jim Lynn Posted May 28, 2002
I tried that last night, but things were pulling in odd directions and it was uncomfortable. Gravity has a larger effect on my waistline than yours, I'll bet.
Get well soon, Jim
Jimi X Posted May 28, 2002
Peta, that sounds like advice for a pregnant woman.
My lovely bride did the same thing with pillows while carrying daughter #2. That and kicking me all night long seemed to do the trick (of course I deserved it for getting her in that state! )
Get well soon, Jim
Wand'rin star Posted May 29, 2002
Don't sleep on your side until you've built the muscles up again (What muscles? The ones where your waist should be. Oh, those muscles)Pillow under your knees with slightly smaller pillow under your head is, as you've found out, the best way to deal with gravity etc You could try resting on your stomach, with a pillow cushioning it, but not for hours at a time. I found it an amazingly comfortable position after an emergency appendix, but it might hurt too much.
My surgeon (a truly wonderful man who warmed his hands under the hot water before he touched me) was fanatic about the socks.Wouldn't let me take them off for more than a week.
Also made me walk up and down the hospital stairs lots of times before he let me home.
Hope you're getting lots of cuddles from your little ones
Get well soon, Jim
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted May 29, 2002
Good news, Jim.
My imaginary companions have decided to drop
by and help you get better. Here they are:
AUNT MATILDA: I hear that you can eat anything
you want now. That's good, because I've been
making fudge and tollhouse cookies ever since
I heard you might be needing them. There are some
here with nuts, and some without (don't know if
you're a nut fan or not, so I wanted to be safe
and make both). Of course, the penucche has to
have nuts in it, or you can't call it that.
NANCY THE DRAGON: I have hot breath, Jim. .
Whenever you want some motivation to get out
of bed and walk, let me know and I'll follow
you. Or, if that's too drastic, I can cool
the breath and play gin rummy or pinochle
with you.
Key: Complain about this post
Get well soon, Jim
- 41: Whisky (May 28, 2002)
- 42: Jim Lynn (May 28, 2002)
- 43: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (May 28, 2002)
- 44: Jimi X (May 28, 2002)
- 45: Peta (May 28, 2002)
- 46: Jim Lynn (May 28, 2002)
- 47: Jimi X (May 28, 2002)
- 48: Wand'rin star (May 29, 2002)
- 49: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (May 29, 2002)
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