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Nightworkers Anon

Post 161


Oh yes! The most common line is "LOOK I DONT KNOW WHERE I F*****G AM, IF I KNEW THAT I WOULD TELL YOU NOW JUST SEND SOMEBODY OUT WILL YOU!!!" How do you respond to that! It just goes down hill from there with more abuse! They usually end up saying there going to cancel their memberships and thats when the mute button goes on and i laugh! smiley - cheers

Nightworkers Anon

Post 162


smiley - laugh We get a similar type of thing when people ask for a residential number and all they have is a name and a town but no address. Thats OK if it's an unusual name cos there's usually only one or two listed in the area but have been asked for SMITH in LONDON before now smiley - yikes and they get really annoyed when you try and explain why you cant even begin to look smiley - rofl I sometimes wonder if these people that get abusive and start f'ing and blinding at you would do so if they were stood infront of you instead of on the other end of the phone?

Nightworkers Anon

Post 163


I know! I often think to myself when Ive got a complete moron on the phone! If only you could listen to this conversation and hear yourself but its ok when they start swearing because I can just cut them off. Somedays you can say hello and its just attitude from then on! Those are usually the ones who are feeling silly and embaressed with themselves I think! Mind you these days your lucky if the person can speak English! Try dragging details out of someone that answers "yes" to every question!

Nightworkers Anon

Post 164


Try getting sense out of someone thats so drunk they can hardly talk - thats really fun smiley - rofl it's even better if they're foreign too smiley - groan We have the release button too if people start getting abusive but we have to warn them first and then if they continue then we can cut them off smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

I really dont understand why they get so abusive tho - at end of day we're just doing our best to help them but they have to provide us with the correct information to work with!

Nightworkers Anon

Post 165


Im off in a bit so I'll say goodnight/morning! Maybe speak with you Monday?

Bye for now!smiley - ok

Nightworkers Anon

Post 166


smiley - ok

g'night smiley - biggrin

Sleep well and sweet dreams smiley - angelsmiley - hug

Nightworkers Anon

Post 167


Hello there,

have a good break did you? smiley - ok

Last one for me tonight!smiley - biggrin

Nightworkers Anon

Post 168


Yeah was good thanx smiley - biggrin

Went out with a friend from London on thurs night and then another mate was down from Scotland last night so was out again smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Nightworkers Anon

Post 169



What part of Scotland is your friend from? I lived in Livingston for a couple of years. smiley - smiley

Nightworkers Anon

Post 170


Glasgow lol

Nightworkers Anon

Post 171


Hiya smiley - biggrin

Didn't see you were online tonight smiley - sorry

How you doing?

Helen smiley - smiley

Nightworkers Anon

Post 172


Pretty good! You? Saw some of your posts earlier! Had a few idiots on the phone tonight have you?

Nightworkers Anon

Post 173


God yes - just a bit smiley - grr

My call time at one stage was 56 secs and the target time is 29 secs - have managed to get it down to 40 now but I think they've emptied the asylum tonite and they're all ringing me up smiley - sadface

Hows your night going?

Nightworkers Anon

Post 174


Pretty quiet tonight! smiley - winkeye Probably doesnt make you feel any better !smiley - cheerup

Nightworkers Anon

Post 175


It's gone quiet now thank god smiley - biggrin think they've all packed up and gone to bed now smiley - puff

Have you been on days off?

Nightworkers Anon

Post 176


Yep! Had the weekend off to move into my new place. smiley - biggrin
Loving it as the old flat was on a dump of a council estate! Wasnt the most pleasant of places but my new place is much better! How are things with you?smiley - ok

Nightworkers Anon

Post 177


OK I suppose.........still trying to sell house without much luck! Got plenty of people looking but no sensible offers yet smiley - sadface Am working 2morro and thurs and then got the w/e off smiley - biggrin.........cant wait!!!

Nightworkers Anon

Post 178


Im working tomorrow and have the weekend off also! smiley - alesmiley - winkeye

So how much is the average house going for up there?

Nightworkers Anon

Post 179


Depends what you call average but a 3 bed semi in cardiff will set you back about 150 thousand. Mines a 4 bed Bungalow just outside Cardiff so it's worth a bit more than that!

Nightworkers Anon

Post 180


Puts my little flat to shame smiley - sadface

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