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Nightworkers Anon

Post 221


Dont think Kate Moss eats anything does she? smiley - laugh

Nightworkers Anon

Post 222


Obviously not as much as me smiley - rofl

She used to have a drink and drug problem tho I think but then a lot of the top models do - thats how they keep they're weight down!

Nightworkers Anon

Post 223


Most of these supermodels are so thin they dont even look attractive smiley - erm

Nightworkers Anon

Post 224


My ex used to have a theory that cos a lot of the top fashion designers are gay men they want the models to look like boys, so thats why they want them to have no curves! Hope that made sense smiley - huh

Nightworkers Anon

Post 225


Hmmm... Not sure I could subscribe to that theory! smiley - erm

Nightworkers Anon

Post 226


No nor me but it was an interesting thought! I think it was more that the clothes look better on a thin model than on a 'real' woman smiley - laugh

Nightworkers Anon

Post 227


Well, say goodbye for now! Have good few off! See you!smiley - ok

Nightworkers Anon

Post 228


g'night smiley - smiley

take care and sweet dreams smiley - angel

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