This is the Message Centre for dubbzc
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Hello again. Sorry I didnt notice you had left a message. Yes I'm back for another 6! doh! Whats been happening with you?
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
just done 5 out of the last 6 and should be working tomorrow night but got the night off
Going out with a friend from London for a meal and a few drinks
Wont be back online now til Mon night unless I use pc at home! Unfortunately I've only got dialup connection and it's so slow on this site
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Well I'll be here Monday anyway! I only go on here when Im at work. You busy tonight. I'm not doing a lot to be honest! Been playing 6ixel from the games section and its driving me crazy. However its stangely addictive!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
It's quiet here too - been chatting in the Olde Tea Shoppe with some friends otherwise just been chatting to work colleagues! Someones wiped all the games offf the pc so haven't even got solitaire to play
Not found a game I like playing on BBC yet
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
No their not much cop really are they! Spooks spy academy tests your mind a little bit if you like that sought of stuff! Its in the brain section if you havent already tried it! Briefly spoken to somebody in your place called smiler! She says shes on the other side of the room from you though!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
well - she's not quite across the other side of the room but she's on a 'pod' behind me! I can see her if I turn round and shout across to her
It's gone dead here getting longer and longer between calls now! Going to be a long night I think!
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
I know what you mean.Im dropping asleep here! Think I'll have to get my hammock out and grab 40winks! How many are in tonight there then? Theres about 30 of us again! Time to grab a coffee me thinks!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
There's only 4 of us + the team leader tonite but thats more than enough as it's so quiet!
I'm off to lunch at 3.30 so will have a coffee then - we're not allowed hot drinks at the desk unless it's in a company approved 'non-spill' cup which they're charging us £5 to buy I'd rather drink water and save coffee for breaks!
30 of you there? Does it get that busy then? I know you cover the whole country but then so do we and Southern Ireland too, not that we get asked for many numbers there
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Well we have 13million members to deal with and we do live in a 24hour society now so a lot of them are out there at all hours! Enjoy your lunch.
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
All lunched out now! Cup a soup and a sandwich, exciting
We don't have a proper canteen here, just a few vending machines selling soggy sarnies, pasties and stodgy ready meals Sad state of affairs for a 2hr operation don't you think?
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Are vending machines are just as good but we do have a canteen! Also a shop selling sweets papers etc. A pastry shop and a coffee shop! Not forgetting the actual meal counter! Although ive never been here when there open! They also supply us with huge plasma screens dotted around it! Not forgetting are big tree in the middle which they fondly call "the atrium" which is a bit of a joke! "Its a dead tree"!!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
ooooooooh aint you posh then
Isn't the meal counter open at night? We don't get fresh cooked meals just pre-packed ones that we can put in one of 2 microwaves they provide us with generous aint they
Considering we have over 400 people working here on a 24hr basis, I can't believe that they dont provide a proper canteen Oh well, dont suppose anything will change now
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Ahh! cant stand the place! We've only been here since October and I still prefer the old building. It had character! They originally said it would be a 24hr canteen but they said a lot of other things to which never happened!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
Sounds a lot like this place - always saying this that and the other going to happen but when it comes to the crunch........nothing changes
Got a spare hammock you can sling this way
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Sure! here you go!
Heres some to keep your strength up too!
Dont ley your manager catch you in it though!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
awwwwwww your too kind
Will set it up behind a pillar then she wont see me
They've let a loony out the asylum and she's on the phone to us
Just transferred her to my boss cos she was doing my head in and knackering my call time!"
Do you ever get loony calls and time wasters?
Nightworkers Anon
dubbzc Posted Feb 19, 2004
Oh yes! All day everyday! Dont think Ive ever gone a set of 6 withought speaking to a few idiots! I was telling your smiler earlier that i dont know how some of these people even get on the road in the first place!
Nightworkers Anon
tsarina Posted Feb 19, 2004
I can imagine We get some who want us ti find a taxi for them and they dont even know where they are
Am sure ytou must get the same problems? Must be a nighgtmare trying to get a location from some people
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Nightworkers Anon
- 141: tsarina (Feb 10, 2004)
- 142: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 143: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 144: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 145: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 146: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 147: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 148: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 149: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 150: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 151: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 152: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 153: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 154: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 155: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 156: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 157: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 158: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
- 159: dubbzc (Feb 19, 2004)
- 160: tsarina (Feb 19, 2004)
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