This is the Message Centre for Bludrake

Hello and welcome...

Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hello Bludrake

Welcome to H2G2.
I'm Helelou, an ACE (Assistant Community Editor), and I have here some links that will help you to learn your way around.

First, check out our welcome, and take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.>
These smiley - smiley,smiley - choc,smiley - silly are smileys, to find out more visit <./>smileys</.>, or click on any smiley.
To find out which smiley is what, just touch your mouse on it.

Then go here A690518 to spice up your page if you wish. smiley - biggrin

Or check out these links that our mate Feisor has put together at A719840 for newbies

General questions can be asked here <./>askh2g2</.>

Our newspaper smiley - thepost <./>thepost</.> comes out every Thursday

Some other places of interest are:
smiley - star<./>miscchat</.>,for general chatting
smiley - starA913150, The FoLDers Arms
smiley - starA1041625, if you like to play word games

Phew, time for a smiley - coffee and some smiley - cake

If you want any other info, don't hesitate to contact me, just click on my nickname and leave me a message, or, click on the 'reply" button

Have a great day and have lots of fun

smiley - cheers

Hello and welcome...

Post 2


Thank you for taking the time to help me get started on the site. I'm going to explore the areas you suggested. If I run into any questions I'll take you up on your offer to help.

Thanks again smiley - cheers

Hello and welcome...

Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

you're welcome Bludrake

smiley - ta

smiley - cheers

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