Journal Entries

I dont know, i just want to type!

Im not sure what to put... im bored, noone to talk to, dont wanna clean m room, even though i should, and im listening to our AWSOME 2003jazz band.. to bad thoes links dont work! then you can hear the AWSOME sax solo... i wish i was that good...
heres dominic and billy!
billy: 'oh! i forgot what i was going to say! saysomething for a moment....'
dom: "i like eggs in the morning, and bacon at night, is that so wrong?"
billy: 'nono, go on!'
dom: "*sigh* when i was seven, i ate a worm..."
billy:'OH GOT IT!... OH NO! lost it again!'

ok heres another

billy: 'dom?'
dom: "yes billy?"
billy:'i love you'
dom: "i love you too billy"

hmm... i love them! yES! and go pervy hobbits guild!
OH! BENDY hobbit!
Have you licked your hobbit lately?
"dom, billy, get your hands off my @$$!"

ok im done!


fordsmiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 30, 2004

A clean room is a happy room...

If a clean room is a happy room, then mine must hate everything! ive been cleaning it for two days now, and i just realized that it might be smart to move into my brothers room! its alot bigger so i would have room to put my crap! My book case cant hold all my books, my desk is full of papers and crap, and i think i may be a pack rat! I found my paper from this game that me and amy and kristie played in the salt lake airport when we were going to eroupe! i found my plane tickets from the band trip (im never throwing them away!!!) and you know you need to clean your room when you find hamster shaings from a girbil you had that died in 2003! (smiley - wah) but here i am... procrastinating! thats my life!

fordsmiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 30, 2004

Mr. Smellgood

That should be his real name!! He has this cologne that he bought in Washington, in one of the malls (My friend wanted me to buy it for him for his b day, but i got it for him for x mas). it smells GREAT! If i could send it to Midnight and Fred, i would! So, i was over at my friends house (tbone) and he pratically lives with her and her brother.... we were doing stuff on the computer and we called him over, because there was something we thought he would like. He gave me a nack rub... hes so good at that! i practically melted! anyway... i didnt exhale the whole time he was there, to buisy smelling him, that sounds wierd... its not like i walk up to people and sniff them! cuz i dont...hehe.... so we (me and tbone) continued to do stuff on the comp and he came to say good bye, he was leaving for lasvegas... so i said bye, when he turned around i wispered "and you smell good too" to tbone, he turned around and said, thank you!... THAT WAS HUMILIATING! i dont know how he heard but he did!... i was really red!
fordsmiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2004

BAND! Parade Block! BLOCK IT UP!

ok, heres a convo for you little band nerds to talk in, and leave everyone elses convos alone... its irritatng to comeback to 100 messages of your B****ing! so here! BAND MEMBERS ONLY!
fordsmiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2004


Ok, all you band nerds from EHS are getting on my nerves! This site is for h2g2 researchers! not a bunch of littl kids! ATLEAST READ THE BOOK! You little brats dont even know what h2g2 is! this isnt the place for your little teencage fights or to call eachother names!

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Latest reply: Dec 28, 2004

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