Journal Entries

Jazz of 2003

For x mas, my brother got me the jazz band of 2003 cd... i mean our highschool jazz so band...
they are WOW! good isnt a good enough word for them!! its amazing!
heres just one of their songs, listen to the killer sax solo! wow! i donno who that is but its WOW!!! sometimes forget that theyre highschool kids! but thats what they played at the 2003 jazz fest concert! i know! i went! and i saw them IM A WItneSS! but hard to believe that theyre that good.... wow!
fordsmiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 28, 2004

Christmas Eve

Well, today is Christmas Eve! In about 12 hrs time, we'll be waking up and running to our presents and tearing them apart like ravenous animals...
but for now, my brother is infront tof the tv, playing vidio games, and i am here wrighting this, and eating these wierd little nuts, cuz we didnt have dinner, and humming "Im dreaming of a WYATT christmas" ... dont ask, and my parents are putting presents under the tree... theres about12 total.... but half oare from me, and the other half is from m y brother.... wow ok, so 3 are from my brother.... ther rest is from my parents, the tree is twinkling away, its only been up fror about 36 hours.... its coming down in 36 hours too
Im pretty much bored outta my mind... and hungry... i think ill make some mac and cheese... that sounds GOOD! better than these nut things! ug! i ate to many! but theyre good! you bite them and like.... seed butter pops in your mouth! its good! well i wanted to say mery christmas, but noone is on, so by the time you read this it will be boxing day.... what is boxing day any way? at any rate, i cant wait to get back to school... i wish our school was just one big looong 4th period, my FAVORITE period!.... jazz band, who would have guessed?? of goody! i have hicups from the cider, it isnt apple cider either! i grabbed cranberry cider on accident! oops well, today has been fun, but i cant wait to go to sleep! im tired.... oh ya, and christmas is tomorrow! haha


ford!smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 2004

How to get killed in a Zebra crossing:

In the Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy, The Guide talks about how man discovers that Black is White and White is Black. I think I figured out how!
Have you heard about how white has all the colors in the universe? AND! Have you heard that black also has all the colors in the universe? Then doesnt that make them the same? If you find a rock and it has the same proporties as Quartz,then isnt it Quartz? So black and white are the same color, but I think the reason that we see them differently is that the colors of the universe is arranged differently or that the light frequenceys bounce off the assorted universal colors in different ways so that one seems different than the other, but in accuality, they are the same.


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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2004


On to Philadelphia! My first impression was "I'm scared!". my "group" went to the mall that our busses parked next to. But it wasnt like the malls you find in Reno or Salt Lake, it was attached to a subway system! And it was all scuzzy and just plain creepy! I was truley afraid, of what? i donno, but i was. Once we got out of that "mall" we went to go see the Liberty Bell, we were early so our group went to go see Betsie Ross's house (sorry if i misspelled that). It waspretty interesting, there was even a lady there that showed us how to cut a star out of paper with "one snip" snip! not a cut! a snip! hehe. i thought that was pretty awsome! After that, we went back to the Liberty Bell and went inside. The bell isnt as big as you would think! Its accually quite small compared to what i thought it was going to be, but marvelous none the less! And chris (my friend) took a picture from under the bell, and its amazing! they have a secrity system underneath the bell! wow! We saw the bell and got to go across the street to see the court houses and where they sighned the Declaration of Independance! It was very historic looking, but unfortunatly my pictures didnt turn out well. We got out and had a bathroom break and went to our hotel. It was the coolest hotel we stayed at! But the rooms were less than stuning! We had toilet problems and we had a cocroach! gross and i slept on the floor and it was COLD!! That hotel was HUGE! it had escelators and everything! and a piano!
Lets get to the parade shall we?
We got to get up at lovely 4 in the morning, and let me tell you everyone was bright and shiney! *cough cough* we had to go down to breakfast in our uniforms! i was sooo suprised that mr lovell let us! hes the strictest person ever! but hes being nice this year cuz he is getting sergery! GOOD LUCK MR L!! So we eat in the ball room, it was absolutly large! We eat, go back to our rooms and then go down to the lobby by the piano with our instruments. i love my sax! sorry... we got new gloves and everything! i was happy cuz my gloves look like they were run over! While we were waiting, we saw clouns, dancers and other bands go by! it was awsome! but we were all so sleepy! we only got an average of 4 hours of sleep a night! heesh! But once we got outside, most of us woke up. we had about a 4 block walk to the place where we had to get "blocked up" that means we have to be in the spots we are going to be in for the parade. i was by Spencer (a senior sax) Aaron (jr sax) Kelsey (a piccalo playersmiley - wah) and some clarentet chick. We advanced to the "starting line" to start the parade. i was getting a little nervous, imean, its only national tv! and about a million people on the streets! Actually i was laughing at the start of the parade, we passed a float with Kermet the frog on it, I couldnt keep a straight face!! so we finally get to the area where we start playing and i cant brethe! I dont know if it was really humid, or if I was nervous, but i was having truble brething! it was so embarassing! i was blasting through my horn cuz I was having wierd brething patterns! ooh! i thought i was gonna die! But i didnt (aparently!) I couldnt look at the crowd, i wish i had now, but i think i was to nervous! TV cameras everywhere! We were practically running the intire parade! it was likemarching the rosebowl parade! (about 7 miles) ours was only like 2.5
The wind was really strong so we had to stop and let the baloons in about a block before the National TV cameras. Parade rest, we call it. thats when you arnt at attention but you arnt allowed to goof off. We stoped and i was staning there with my sax and i laid my head on the neck of it and (get this) i fell asleep!!!! It was the funnyest thing ever! when i woke up, we still handent moved, i think i doesed off for only a few seconds but still... im glad they didnt sart marching!
that woulda been embarassing! we march for a little while and then stop and go and stop... gruling! as we neared the area for the cameras, another bands' FREEKING drum line was warming up! absolutly RUDE!We are trying to play ghostriders with DRUMS!!! ugg! We were so close to the cameras we could see the lenses but we had to stop so some group could do their performance, just then a group of people on the side yelled "GO NEVODA!" i wanted to scream "ITS NEV-AH-DUH!" but i dont think mr lovell would be too happy. YES!! we were 2nd inline to go do our thing! but the cheerleaders in front of us stoped and did a cheer, we were in the middle of magnificent 7 and we couldnt just stop! we had to keep playing! so the cheerleaders had to do their dance to Mag. 7 and their music at the same time! I felt so bad! but then the call "MARK TIME MARK!" came and we started to move our feet! at this point in the parade i was sweaty and tired, but i didnt feel it, adranaylin was rushing through me! i was so excited!We marched onto the "central square" playing Ghost Riders In The Sky (a very neat song!) And the camera guy put the camera right in my face!! i had to try so hard not to look at it and just look atthe persons back infront of me! and not mess up on the music! wow! it was amazing! I cant describe it! I think wow! and noone but us pretty much describe the situation! We march on to the end of the parade where we got our pictures taken, and a huge rain clod came over head and you cant see our pictures! oh well, the memories will last forever! and when we were walking back to the busses, jake (a susaphone) tripped and smacked right into the concrete! owch!

well thats all i can put for the phili part of the trip...

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2004

6 ABC Boscov's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philadelphia

6 ABC Boscov's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philadelphia...*whew!* what a mouth full... also the reason that the Band of Indians got to travel the East coast!
Lovely day one!
We luckey souls in the band got to get up at midnight and get to the busses, load our suitcases and instruments, chech in, get name tags, and get ourselves on the busses at 12:30 am! It was absolutly FREEZING! So I cuddled with 42 and kept myself warm on the 4 hour bus ride to Salt Lake International Air Port. My butt fell asleep during that ride... i did too, sometimes.
At the air port we had to unload, find our luggage and get ourselves to the right termanal. That was cool, we were all excited about going to the east coast and for most of our group, it was their first time flying! so we were all running on pure adrenaline! We got onto the plane... i was luckey and got to sit by my friend Sara, and also luckey enought to sit between her and Pat! (for those of you who dont know Pat, he is one of the reasons that we DIDNT go to Bands of America this year!) fun trip! yes! i got vidio of people and i got pictures and we were buzzing! we landed... i think! it was so foggy! you couldnt see the ground untill we were 2 feet from the ground! so we got off and swiched planes (at this point i think i should tell you that we all were half expecting the captain to entroduce the band... none of them did, wheres the pride in that?) we take off again and travel to D.C. where we meet up with the group and get onto busses to go around D.C. and see sites and most of us slept but i took pictures and lovely stuff like that, that you really cant see because it was night time!
Our hotel rooms were the biggest of the three in D.C. and our lobby was nice! and really fancey! it was cool! they then gave ustime to get into our rooms then a half hour to go get food! my group (the chapparone, Jessica, Stephanie, and Stephanie) start walking away from the busses to find a food place. We walk and walk and cant find anywhere except... yes... HOOTERS! aint it great? i thought the guys might have wanted to come with us! so we go in... they are REALLY friendly! and yes, they DO wear shirts in there! they even sell them! i thought of buying one! but 15$ for a shirt? seems too much for a small town person like me... but my roomies got them! i ordered a chicken burger and we waited forever! in the meantime i stole a few menues to give to my guy friends (they enjoyed them alot!)and we got our picture taken with a hooters girl to prove us of being there! we finnaly get our food and we have ledd than 3 minutes to get back to the busses! we ran and ran and when we got there they said we couldnt have food on the bus!! i was soo mad! but then the chapparone came over and SURE! they listen to the CHAPPARONE but not a student... *sigh*... so i ate and he said if i spilt anything that i would have to clean the busses! so i was EXTRA careful! we toured the washington monument and heroshima and the lincoln momorial and got out and took pictures, none of wich turned out very well cuz it was REALLY dark! I TOUCHED THE WASHINGTON MOMORIAL REFLECTION POOL WATER!!! It was really gross! And muggy! And i ran up the lincoln momorial stair steps about 100 times! it was good excursize! fun fun fun! so we get back on the busses! sleep! but no! we went to the hotel and we had a REALLY long meeting about stuff and stuff! it seemed like forever! and we FINNALY got to go to our rooms and sleep! YAY! but my roomies werent used to the time change and i was REALLY tired! they kept me up all night! so i stared out the window... did you know you can see into other peoples windows? I was staring out there and Stephaniecomes over and asks "enjoying the view?" then i noticed that i had been staring at Danny and Adam in thier boxers! oops! i swear i didnt mean to! ok i dont remember when i fell asleep, but i can tell you that it really wanst enough time!we woke up and we were all tired and crud... i took a shower in the morning and was really late for breakfast! i dont think anyone but our chapparone noticed though! then we all got to go back to our rooms and head out to the busses to check out the smithsonian musiems! IT ROCKED! i was in total heven in the air and space musiem! (if i could spell) im going into the airforce and was EVERYWHERE and my group was kinda worried about me being so hyper about airplains! but guess what! they had this really cool thing that simulated a real jet fighter plane and i flew it a million times! the guy running the one thati went to said i was pretty and flirted with me the intire time! and the secont time i went he called me his "BOO" whatever that is! it was cool! i was doing flips and all this fancey stuff, we were supposed to blow up tanks and junk, but i didnt feel like it. we left the plane flying simulator area to grab lunch (mickey d's for 7$!!!) and me kelsey sirina and jessica (not my roommate) went to sit down. we just happened to notice these really cute colage guys and kept staring at them and they'd look down and laugh as we turned our heads. we also got a picture of us with an astronaught suit taken by gene russle (a well known photogrpahper in elko)... we fooled around a bit and tried to look for the origional stealth bomber, but i couldnt find it... so then we left (not before i bought my astronaught icecream though!) we walked across the "street-park-street" and took pics of the capitol building and went to the smithsonian art musiem. we got lost! so we decided to go to the music musiem where we were supposed to meet. but along the way, we found an iceskating rink, we saw aaron and heath and sara and a bunch ofother people from our group... i wanted to go but i didnt have any money, so heath payed for me! hes so nice! im glad i went! i had a blast! and fell and broke my toe infront of mr lovell! (hes the band director) right afterwards he told me not to break anything! oh great! now he tells me! we continue scating and heath and aaron push me to go faster and make me fall and all that! (nice friends arnt they?) when we do finally leave (after a broken toe aaron smacking his knee into the wall and heath doing the same) to go to the musium. we see this really cool house sculpture thing that changes as you walk past it... i limped past it cuz of my toe and 2 huge blisters on the side of my feet, and i got a piggy back from aaron, but his pants were falling down so i got one from heath and we almost fell thanks to aaron! we got to the musium and i had to pay my friend erika 1$ because i lost a bet (hey! im from nevada! the gamboling capitol of the world, what do you expect?) we talked for a while then had to get onto the busses to go to the mall! that was great! i couldnt walk and then i went and sprayed perfume in my eye! i bought a CD and a sweatshirt (that i am wearing now!) but unfortunatly i left the cd and another sweatshirt and two shotglasses and an airforce tee shirt in the hotel!! for dinner i had pizza! and me and erika decided to go off to the OTHER mall.... oops! wrong place! we got lost and had like 5 minutes to get back!hehe wasnt my idea i swear! luckely noone noticed and we go back in time! after the mall, we went to the hotel and had another loonnngg meeting for the next mornings plans.we got to our rooms and slept and showered and whatever. the next morning i packed and forgot a bunch of stuff... i was pretty preoccupied! i had to pay heath back and give him a note that i kinda regret giving him, but itll work out, i hope! so we load the busses (i was on bus 2) an embark to philadelphia! i was asleep most of that trip but the parts that i was awake, it was beautiful, but i felt like puking cuz i had just remembered that i forgot all that back at the hotel! and about the note... i was nervous! and withthe parade coming up! ooh! i was scared!

alright! thats washington! its the same time it was when we loaded the busses for the trip to Salt Lake so i think ill finish later!
fordsmiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2004

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