Journal Entries

Any Given Sunday

OTT adrenaline and testosterone fest, badly watered down by boring nostalgia and clichés about "team effort", and "playing for the fun of it".

It's just a pity Oliver Stone didn't follow his own sentiments and just let the guys play the football, without all the laboured soul-searching crap.

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Latest reply: May 13, 2000

Siam Sunset

Pommie colour technician is plagued by a variety of freakishly bizarre accidents, one of which kills his wife.

A year later, still mourning his wife and obsessing about creating a perfect colour, a memory from his marriage, he wins a free trip to Australia and a bus tour.

On board he meets a number of "colourful" Aussie characters (some played by Kiwis, good to see CER working), and naturally finds his colour and a new love.

Fairly standard in the romance department, but boosted by some inspired surrealist moments.

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Latest reply: May 11, 2000

The Wog Boy

Lightweight Ozzie comedy featuring Australia's large Greek community.

Dole bludger, self-confessed "wog boy"-next-door, Steve Katsimakis takes on the Ministry of Employment and wins, getting the girl at the end.

In spite of how much like an Adam Sandler movie it sounds, it really is very good.

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Latest reply: May 5, 2000


or "How Americans won the war single-handedly"

Actually, it's not all that bad as action films go. plenty of stuff blowing up, and a reasonable amount of tension at right moment (when you aren't groaning at the corny dialogue and predictable plot).

But the huge steaming turd stinking all the way through it, is the appalling revision of history by the producers in an attempt to make their movie more commercially viable.

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Latest reply: May 3, 2000

Galaxy Quest

"3 Amigos" in Space, which isn't a bad thing.

Big day out for a number of sitcom stars (and Sigourney Weaver's Wonderbra).

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Latest reply: Apr 26, 2000

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