Journal Entries

Meetup and Moderation

(20010706 2105BST) It's the summer meet in London tomorrow - woohoo! I'll be going with Zem42, and I'm looking forward to seeing people again, and especially those I've not met yet, including Cass, who I introduced to h2g2 in the first place after meeting him on yet another website.

That good. The other thing's bad - my Space got hidden this evening for no reason I can fathom - the e-mail said something about links being broken or inappropriate, but since it didn't tell me which it was, and which link/s it was talking about, I'm at a loss. I also want to know why it was hidden now when all those links have passed Moderation before. Oh well, I've made my case on the Moderation Helpdesk, and with any luck it should be sorted out before long.

I bear the Moderators nor the system no ill will, I'm just confused and rather baffled.

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2001

GuidePost 0.6

(20010701) Today I released GuidePost 0.6 for Windows. This has the much-awaited and incredibly stressful to program syntax highlighting, which I plan on improving for a future release. All bug reports and feature suggestions very welcome - I'm not looking to add any big new features in 0.7, just improving the ones I already have, especially syntax highlighting and text import. I have some ideas, but it's always good to see what the users want!

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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2001

The delights of the fire alarm

(20010602 11:36BST)
Early this morning at about quarter past one, some utter and completely irritating person decided it would be good to set off the fire alarm at my hall of residence, resulting in us standing around outside for almost an hour while the staff discovered that it wasn't a real fire, and then went through the surprisingly lengthy procedure of resetting the alarm system.
This was not fnu, so as a result I am feeling tired, irritable and not at all generous today.

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Latest reply: Jun 2, 2001

Thus approacheth the summertime

(20010531 11:40BST)

Everything's done - exams, coursework, everything. What do I do now? Find a job I suppose... money is a very useful thing to have, and I'll get very bored if I don't have anything to do for almost four months, even if I do manage to get a lot of programming done and my name on the Gnome contributors list.

Now, the big question... where do I go to find a job?

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Latest reply: May 31, 2001

Exams exams exams

(20010524 15:19BST) Feeling bad. Got an exam at half past four and I don't think I'm going to do very well. Luckily, nobody else thinks they're going to do very well either, so hopefully it won't matter so much. All I have to do is do better than everyone else...

I will feel so much less tense this evening I can assure you. Tomorrow morning's exam will be easy compared to this.

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Latest reply: May 24, 2001

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