This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 141


i think we dont

i want smiley - choc

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 142

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


smiley - magic

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 143


Hello again Lil! How are we now my dear? Did you have a nice tea? Are we still on for our date? I've brought you some smiley - bubbly! smiley - biggrin

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 144

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yes.. and Yes... thank you! smiley - bubbly

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 145


My pleasure. *holds out glass of smiley - bubbly to 'chink' with Lil's glass of smiley - bubbly* So what was it that brought you here to the lovely world of h2g2 in the first place?

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 146

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

aahhh! *sips her <bubbly*

My daughter Vicki Virago found the site, she had been talking about her online friends for quite awhile.

Anyway, I was determined to give up smoking, so she opened an account for me.. smiley - smiley

I gave up smoking! smiley - diva

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 147


Congratulations on giving up smoking! *sips smiley - bubbly* So it was your daughter that got you on here talking to people... Hmm, it's a bit more of an interesting story than mine. *laughs* I was just introduced to this site by my best friend Simon, who is known as Spook on here. He'd been a member of h2g2 for a couple of months already and he was telling me that I should join it and I was humming and harring, not really sure, but the next thing I knew he'd set up an account for me and there I was! Thrust in at the deep end you might say. *sips more smiley - bubbly*

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 148

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*leans back and relaxes sipping her <bubbly*

I have had a great time in here.. I like the rpg's.. and the fun threads. I am still learning about hootoo and the guideML.. smiley - biggrin

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 149


*relaxes and sips smiley - bubbly* I've never really learned how to write anything on h2g2 properly. I was just left to get on with it after Spook got me to join the site. I even had to get him to teach me how to write my homepage, getting all the subtitles in bold and organising the page how I wanted it. I can just about manage a journal entry or a guide entry on my own now! *laughs* Plus I'd never heard of GuideML until quite recently, and all I really do on here is chat to people. I guess I should do more really...

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 150

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I thought you liked rpg's?

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 151


Oh I do, it's just that my favourites are the book form and I haven't really tried any of the RPG's on h2g2. Shall we have some smiley - corncob?

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 152

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

hmmmm yes please *takes smiley - corncob and begins nibbling*..

Ooooww!!.. smiley - puffsmiley - puff that was hot!! smiley - puff *gulps her smiley - bubbly*

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 153


Are you okay? Here, have this! *calls waiter to bring a glass of water with ice cubes floating in it and then hands it to Lil* Don't worry about the cost, I'm paying. smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 154

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*gulps down the water*.. I am so sorry.. may I have a smiley - hotdog instead please.. smiley - smiley

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 155


You may indeed! *calls waiter and orders a smiley - hotdog for Lil* I don't mind about the smiley - corncob, just as long as you've suffered no long-term harm. Shall I order another bottle of smiley - bubbly?

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 156

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Would you? is lovely smiley - bubbly.. Thank you smiley - smooch

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 157


*smiley - hotdog arrives on a silver plate.* Wow, this place sure does serve food fast!

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 158

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - puffsmiley - puff sorry.. just making sure it isn't too hot.. *nibbles carefully*.. hmmmm.. itsh deyicious!

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 159


smiley - biggrin You're even funnier when you eat. *waits for a sec, then adds uncertainly:* In a good way, that is. Not a bad way. A good, funny way. Yes, erm, quite...

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 160


*quietly sips smiley - bubbly while waiting for ground to swallow me whole*

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