This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 41

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

*wanders back in*

Heya all!
*waves vaguely around the room*

Cyberhuman, I don't think we've met yet...I'm Lauda...the totally insane one.smiley - biggrin

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 42


and im nicky the completly sane one

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 43

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(




Ok, ok! I'll allow that...I don't really know you too well either...smiley - biggrin

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 44

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - groan

Looks like this thread is about to go the way of all my others!!smiley - whistle

Total chaos!!... The Institution appears to have opens its gates again!

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 45

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

See what I mean? smiley - bigeyes

They turn up and my smilies disappear!! smiley - yikes

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 46


smiley - laugh

i am sane


if sane means living in a white jacket in a padded room smiley - laugh

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 47

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

a WHITE Jacket???? That isn't fair!!

I have a smiley - brr one! smiley - cry

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 48


*tips a big bucket of white paint over lil*

now its white!

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 49

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

'snot funny smiley - steam

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 50


snow is funny

what has snot got to do with it anyway?</>

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 51

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

'snot snot.. smiley - yuk

but it could be snow smiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowball

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 52

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

*starts handing out tissues*

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 53


*bewitches lils tissue to turn her nose black when she uses it*

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 54

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


smiley - magic

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 55


smiley - cross

what are you laughing at?

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 56

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

smiley - yikes

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 57

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

The noses!!!
Look at them?

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 58

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


smiley - magic

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 59

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

See - it's taking effect on her already!

Oh Please!! You have got....

Post 60


Hello everybody! Nice to meet you Lauda and Nicky! Hope everyone's noses have not suffered any long-term side effects! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

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