This is the Message Centre for ianhimself

Hello there!

Post 1

Trin Tragula

Hello smiley - smiley I just came round to say how much I'm enjoying the pieces you've put in the AWW. It's not often we get quite so much fine writing descending on us all at once!

Enjoying the pieces I've had time to read so far, anyway - I know it might seem a bit quiet down there at present, but there will be comment and feedback, I'm absolutely positive (and not just from me either)

I'm not here in any offical capacity, but I saw you asking about the <./>Underguide</.>. I see you've already had a call from The Post, so I thought I'd better let you know that we also take a keen interest in all the very best writing that comes through the AWW ... so I'm sure you can expect to have UnderGuide Miners crawling all over your work, commenting and appreciating, in fairly short order!

Hello there!

Post 2


well this is very kind .... in fact the whole site is oozing with unsolicited kindness ..... (well, vaguely solicited i guess.... hell, solicited as it could possibly be.... but i digress).... it's a sure fire cure for monday/the political vacuum in n ireland/being a hartlepool united fan/the fact that x factor is back on tv/the antics of the WAGs at the world cup/the effect of global warming on the puddle outside my apartment ... and everything that might depress.....

it ought to be more widely known in the world!

smiley - cool

Hello there!

Post 3

Trin Tragula

I think that's many people's impression of this place and it's not unfounded either - it really is a community in a way a lot of web forums aren't necessarily. Bubbling over with people keen to help and get involved smiley - ok

(I think I've got the others covered but ... Hartlepool United? How did that happen? smiley - biggrin)

Hello there!

Post 4


back in uni my flatmate and i decided to support the worst teams in emgland ... we were irish so we have no vestged interest .... he chose stockport & i went for hartlepool...

suffice to say they have both been uselss over the years

smiley - biggrin

Hello there!

Post 5

Trin Tragula

Hey! Though British, I grew up nowhere near any team of interest ... and so picked Torquay United on exactly the same basis smiley - bigeyes

Praying not to drop out of league on an annual basis is so much more fun smiley - wow

Hello there!

Post 6


yeah ... it rocks ...... and hartlepool are so loveably bad ..... though they let me down for a couple of years by moving up a division

Hello there!

Post 7

Trin Tragula

Spot of difficulty finding the right workshop? smiley - winkeye

Sorry, but there's Scouts on the lookout for Entries in the wrong place - all the things you've just put in the Edited Guide Writing Workshop need to be taken out and put in the Alternative Writing Workshop instead, with all the others.

Hello there!

Post 8

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

Mind if I join in?

I'm Pinniped, only in UnderGuide form at the moment. Trin's the Editor-in-Chief, btw.

Don't mind Gnomon. He's a bit of a stickler (thinks the site is for something called the Edited Guide, which is some kind of failed Wikipedia look-alike). He's Irish too, would you believe?

The Edited Guide Writing Workshop and Peer Review only accept fact-based pieces : no poetry, no dramatised accounts, no opinion-pieces, no first-person narrative.

The AWW accepts anything. The best writing on the site is celebrated in the UnderGuide, and AWW is a principal feeder to the UG. The UG only has two stipulations. No plagiarism, and no Entries that would be suitable for the Edited Guide (latter rule insisted-upon by the Powers, who presumably don't want competition for the 'central project').

So - you found the UG, Post, AGG/GAG etc, yet? Need any more pointers?

Pinsmiley - smiley

Hello there!

Post 9


it's all down to the excitement ..... smiley - biggrin

i think i;'m fixing them now ..... i know the categories.... but am not particularly good with hitting the right box!

thanks for perservering with me

Hello there!

Post 10

Trin Tragula

Hello again - I'm just dropping by because I just finished reading your 'A little one caused to stumble'. Extraordinary stuff - the characterisation, the working in of the background, just so much there... which left me not quite knowing what to say on this crowded and increasingly late Monday evening smiley - biggrin

But it then got me thinking - have you seen our Autumn Crit Run?


The idea is to get a bit more active reviewing and feedback happening down in the AWW - and it seems to be going really well so far. Since that piece has only had the one comment, I just thought, if you were interested - well, it seemed to me to be absolutely ideal, if you wanted a bit more solid feedback on it.

Anyway, whether that grabs your interest or not, I loved the writing and I'd love to give it a second read (and probably a third) and then see if I've found anything more to say than 'wow' smiley - winkeye

Hello there!

Post 11


hey, thanks for this one .... it's really encouraging ..... yes i think i will sign up on the crit run soon

also i must tfry and write some more short stuff for here....... but i am ploughing through writing a novel at the moment and it seems to consume any spare time that my business allows me!.....

but thank you so much for this post ..... so encouraging...

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