Journal Entries

Tuesday 15th November 2011 10.16am

Bleurgh. smiley - ill

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Monday 14th November 2011 6.41pmm

In the spirit of NaJoPoMo, I have been posting to my journal every day since I 'got back'. However, today I am smiley - ill and feel wretched, so this is the best I can manage. Apologies if you were waiting for a reply to something I posted, as I won't be stopping long.

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Latest reply: Nov 14, 2011

Sunday 13th November 2011 10.31am

Today I'm thinking about orchards and the Tian Shan region, which has the most amazing fruit forests. It is the place where all our apples originated. It's in my top ten places to visit, very near the top of the list, maybe at the very top. Other places on my list (sadly, more like tourist traps these days) have always been Easter Island (amongst other Pacific gems) and Teotihuacan. And India. And I need to take someone to the Maldives (before they disappear under water). But I wouldn't want to go to any of these places as a tourist. smiley - erm

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Saturday 12th November 2011 9.47am

I'm counting down to 10am (GMT) next Friday and feel rather excited. Could it be the news me and many others have been waiting to hear for 20 years? Ulla! Are you waiting too? 6d 0h 13m

I'm off out to an AGM now. Not too much of a chore this one though. smiley - biggrin

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Friday 11th November 2011 (fit the second) 4.39pm

Apparently there is no on h2g2 for 'copyright' reasons F79114?thread=8284889 I would say something like 'has the world gone mad', but I'm gonna run with 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'. smiley - silly

Join me, and help free the one - A87720852

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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2011

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