Journal Entries

Look Before You Leap!

She looked at my t-shirt and said: "Amnesty International! You don't support them do you?" "Why wouldn't I?", I said.smiley - cross She went on to tell me about all her 'foreign relations' and the mistreatment they had suffered. "Do you even know what Amnesty International does?" I asked.smiley - grr Then she admitted she didn't! I explained... at length. "Oh" she said.

Some people are incarcerated for their beliefs or for speaking their mind... she didn't even take the trouble to know what she was criticising before she began.

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2002

Lost for Words

smiley - cry

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Latest reply: May 18, 2002

Blood Pressure

Mine is through the roof. I don't think I have ever been so angry... certainly not at something online. Here's a recap for those who don't know the full story...

I am a big fan of the X Files. Through the BBCi message boards and chats, I have made some great friends. Truly terrific people... some of the nicest I have ever met. Chat and messages from regular users were always fun and courteous. One day, June 2001, due to an inconsistent and clueless host, an XF chat got rather heated and *one* person completely lost their temper. Abruptly, and without discussion or explanation, all further XF chats were cancelled.

For months, XPhiles requested the reinstatement of their chats, and an explanation at the very least. Nothing was ever forthcoming. Finally, the restart of the chats was *promised* this spring, to coincide with the showing of The X Files Season 8 on BBC2 (yes, XF used to be on BBC1, but has been relegated). Finally, the oft disappointed XPhiles had something to look forward to. Maybe the BBC would even update their ludicrously untouched XF pages too (still showing 'Season 7 Spoilers'!)?

However, this turned out to be an outright lie... suddenly we were told that we would not be getting our chats back, even on a trial basis, because 'them upstairs' have put a 'freeze on all new chatrooms'. The fact that the Cult chatroom is still there and is not new seems to have been overlooked. To say we were disappointed after months of waiting and being ignored is an understatement.

At this point, I felt I could no longer contribute to h2g2. As part of the BBC, h2g2 claims rights to anything I post here, and to contribute my time and knowledge to one part of BBCi, whilst another part treats me and my friends without any respect, seems absurd. After some discussion between the h2g2 team (who I have every respect for) and the other side of the BBCi community, an 'apology' was forthcoming (to myself only, as far as I am aware) from the BBCi community representative, for our treament (with an assurance we are not being victimised), but still no explanations. That seems rather insincere to me... a mere word, followed by the continuation of the same treatment.

Tonight, I discovered that the 'rumours' are true - there is going to be a new Film chat on Friday nights, 8-10pm. A couple of weeks ago, some film fans started asking for an evening chat slot. There are already two Film chats, on Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes at 12-2pm. Their wish has now been granted... despite the 'ban on all new chats'. This slot (which clearly cannot be covered by the lunchtime moderator at the same time!) is therefore at least as new as letting the XPhiles, who have been asking for months, have that Friday night slot. The XPhiles, who currently have no chats at all. The XPhiles whom the 'BBC are not victimising'. Does this seem just to anyone?

I do not want to be exiled from h2g2. Although 'things ain't what they used to be' before the Beeb took over, the community is still full of intelligent writing, vibrant conversation, and wonderful people, like nowhere else on the Net. The people especially... much like the XPhiles I am defending. But as I have already explained, contributing here whilst things remain unresolved there, is not a situation I feel at ease with. So please, don't tell me the reasons I shouldn't leave. If you want to tell someone, tell the BBC!


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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2002

Itchy Feet

Not in a literal sense, but in an 'emotional' one. A conversation has sparked a (dormant) desire to move on, in a very literal sense. Should I just buckle down and get back into that rut? Or shall I go for the all-out upheaval and head off into the (potentially) rising sun?

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Latest reply: Feb 24, 2002

smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2002

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