Journal Entries
In the middle of the night...
Posted Sep 26, 1999
...I go surfing in my sleep. 'Cause I've just finished my project, and I had an addiction to feed!
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Latest reply: Sep 26, 1999
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
Posted Sep 24, 1999
...where snow lays thick on the ground, children build snowmen and pelt each other with snowballs, and sleighs and toboggans carve their way through the velvet white carpet.
Instead of the usual torrential rain, or snow which instantly becomes mush, or forms into solid balls of ice which lay your opponent out, rather than 'exploding' in a delighful snow shower..., I want to spend Christmas (and perhaps the Millenium) in Scandinavia, Austria, or some other snow-capped destination. The travel agents clearly thought I was off my sledge when I turned down the winter sun brochures and found the skiing brochures too full of... well, skiing! Surely wanting a 'traditional' white Christmas is not that strange?! I want reindeer, and sleighs, and roaring fires, and snowmobiles, and sledging, and snowball fights, and Santa Claus...
Recommendations please!?!
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Latest reply: Sep 24, 1999
I've just realised...
Posted Sep 20, 1999
weekend cheap rate is over. Anyway, I seem to have run up a nice list of 'no replies' (there's only one other person on that isn't a total stranger to me, so I suppose that's no surprise). Oooh - poetry! Mmmm.....
I'm feeling rather sleepy now, so it's time to close my eyes
Can't be late for work tomorrow - I've run out of alibis.
Move over Geoffrey Chaucer!
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Latest reply: Sep 20, 1999
Here comes the rain...
Posted Sep 18, 1999
They said we'd get the tail end of Floyd at the weekend (good for surfing?!)
About time for another journal entry, so this is it.
Oh, and now my printer's gone up the proverbial, not to mention the e-mail problems. And Tempo have temporarily withdrawn THOSE CDs, and the phone bill arrived. *thud*..... just looked at it again. Not good.
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Latest reply: Sep 18, 1999
ISPs, scanners and other irritations.
Posted Sep 11, 1999
I've been suffering for a while from a nasty case of my-scanner-won't-work-no-more, so I finally gave in and bought some software to administer some 'first aid'. Nicely installed, it kindly cured a couple of minor ailments of which I was totally unaware (and probably didn't exist, but it had to pretend to be doing something for the money), and informed me that my scanner is fine. Oh why is it still not working (except in slow-mo churning out some goo)?
Then I found I could no longer connect to the internet. So I installed another free ISP with fruit in, discovered the meaning of the phrase 's_l_o_w c_o_n_n_e_c_t_i_o_n', and recovered my original ISP, which I am now using again, albeit with a fruit filling.
Computers are so B frustrating (and I'm hooked).
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Latest reply: Sep 11, 1999
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