This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Hey Ivan

Post 321

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate


how was your day at work?

and how did your weekend go smiley - biggrin

mine was same old same old, walk inti sh*t, sort it out, then leavesmiley - erm, only to do it again tomorrowsmiley - sadface

Told my big boss today that unless major changes are made to the stage, I won't be back next year, it is just to physically hard and too stressful, and that I will only do the fugals or panstage, he wasn't pleased, told me he doesn't want to lose a good operatorsmiley - doh now that I tell him I want to leave do I get a complimentsmiley - laugh typical........

Hey Ivan

Post 322

Ivan the Terribly Average

The w*rkday stared with a headache, but it must have been psychosomatic. I got myself to the office, settled in, told the boss how rotten I was feeling - smiley - erm and the headache stopped.

The weekend was pleasant enough - no outdoors things after all 'cos it was bucketting down, but I did get to the markets and had a nice mooch about in there. Dinner last night was pleasant - the ex said nice things about the pesto that I so carefully scooped out of the jar - but then I started to fall asleep so he went away.

The proof that you're a good operator is that you haven't been told before. W*rk is rather like housew*rk, I find - people only notice when it's been done badly, or not done at all. What sort of changes could they make?

Hey Ivan

Post 323

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I had this whole post written an then got signed outsmiley - wah, so I will have another go

changes hhhhhhmmmmmmmm let me count the ways............

there is alot they could do, would cost about $300 000 all up smiley - erm, automatic valves cost around $20000 each, we need about 8 of them, the small filter needs replacing an repiping $120000, the bagacillo fan needs repositioning <$50000, fixing up the saltwater pressure $?, this is why much hasn't been done in the past few years

glad your day was good

I would appreciate a thank you occassionallysmiley - erm just so that I know I am not just a numbersmiley - ok

did you get anything good at the markets?

smiley - hug

Hey Ivan

Post 324

Ivan the Terribly Average

$300K to change things? I can see why they might be reluctant - especially considering the state of the sugar industry, EU subsidies, and so forth. Of course, if they have any sense, they'll do it anyway. Good luck...

The markets were good - I came away with a couple of books, a tub of homemade German-type biscuits (of a sort I've been craving for years smiley - drool), a few ideas for presents for other people, and a stomach full of Ethiopian food. (smiley - drool again.) Seeing all the rain was a good mood-lifter, too. We got almost 20mm out of it, I think. The more the merrier. My garden's suddenly gone green and lush; it hasn't looked this good for a couple of years.

Hey Ivan

Post 325

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

everything is green here toosmiley - smiley we are going to have to mow the lawn soon smiley - yikes not done that for months, well hubby will have to do it as I am working the next couple of weekendssmiley - laugh

ethiopian food, what is that like? never even heard of it, we are such a small town, we only got thai food a few years agosmiley - erm

well, if they spent $120000 on the small filter, we would save $100000 in sugar the first year, so that is $1million extra sugar in ten years......

I know the state hasn't been good, but overall $120000 isn't alot of moneysmiley - erm and it would be so much easier to have 2 filters running slowly, than one running fast an the other that is only runn in emergencies and is very difficult to start an to keep running

any ho enogh moaning from me

so tell me all about that ethiopian food

Hey Ivan

Post 326

Ivan the Terribly Average

Ethiopian food is fabulous stuff. I described it to someone else one, and I would shamelessly cut'n'paste here... except I can't find it. Drats. I'll have to type from scratch, and I managed to smiley - erm sprain my wrist today. (The office environment can be dangerous... smiley - laugh)

Anyway. Ethiopian food. A bit spicy, but not always. Lots of vegetarian dishes - required by the Coptic Church, apparently - fascinating things with lots of beans, and a remarkable beetroot salad. Also chicken and beef in strange and interesting sauces. There's one beef thing in particular that is incredibly hot smiley - steam, but delicious smiley - drool. There's also a bread thingy - it looks a bit like a cross between a pancake and a crumpet, with lots of little holes in it. It's a bit spongy, a bit sour, and really very odd and tasty. There's rice, too.

It really is hard to describe these things. The bread in particular (injara) is like nothing I've ever eaten in any other context.

Hey Ivan

Post 327

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

mmmmmm sounds um yummy

I am just going to go back to my corner now, and continue to hit my head against the brickssmiley - erm

it suurrrrrrre feels better than worksmiley - laugh

Hey Ivan

Post 328

Ivan the Terribly Average

You could probably stop doing that now; it'll feel better when you stop.

Here, will this help? smiley - ale

Hey Ivan

Post 329

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Yes please

it feels so good to stop smiley - laugh

Hope your day was good

smiley - hug

I'm whacked, so I am going to smiley - zzz


smiley - cheers for the smiley - ale

Hey Ivan

Post 330

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'll soon be getting horizontal myself. Not a draining day or anything, but still tiring. See you tomorrow... Sleep well.

Hey Ivan

Post 331

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

sorry about yesterday,was a really, really bad day at work, today was better, only 5 shorts stops, which are really easy to handle an keep my tank levels lowsmiley - biggrin hopefully we will finish in about 16 days, I will adjust my tag line shortlysmiley - ermsmiley - blush

I smiley - grovel everyday for a boring shift, I get an answer about once a week smiley - laugh

how was your particular hell today?

Hey Ivan

Post 332

Ivan the Terribly Average

Today was futile. I achieved nothing, and the day seemed to last forever. Even my direct boss was gloomy, wondering aloud what the point of it all is. At least I'm not the only glum one in that office.

The only bright spot was that we started to plan a Melbourne Cup lunch and so forth. The one day of the year when I give a stuff about racing.

Hey Ivan

Post 333

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I know the futile feeling, my poor shift boss was nothing but a frazzle today, poor man, everything was going wrong for him today, we usually call Darrell 'the Darrells", as we are sure he goes into his locker when he gets to work, an 3 of him walk out, as he is everywhere all the time,smiley - laugh call him up an he is there, today his machine let him down, he needed 6 of himselfsmiley - erm, thankfully none of the probs where mine, but most days I just seem to chase my tail, an get nowheresmiley - sadface

I am off this year for melbourne cup will go to the local club an celebrate it there......smiley - ale

I am taking Rupert to doggie dancing classes next monday, starts with basic obedience an then moves on to dancing, sounds like fun, rupert is such a funny dog, but is very strong willed, so the obedience bit will be good, I have to take a large ammount of cheese though, as he will do just about anything for foodsmiley - laugh

Hey Ivan

Post 334

Ivan the Terribly Average

Doggie dancing? smiley - weirdsmiley - silly I'm getting mental pictures of a dog in white tie and tails, waltzing. I must be tired.

I wonder how much I'll lose on the Cup sweeps this year. I haven't won anything since 1998...

Hey Ivan

Post 335

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I lose on sweeps but usually win on one or two of my horse picks, 5 horses a dollar each way.......

doggie dancing is kind of like line dancing, with the dog going around your legs, an stuff, I think, it sounded good when I signed us upsmiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Hey Ivan

Post 336

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh, I see. smiley - sadface No tuxedos. *mental pictures dissolve* As an obedience thing, though, it sounds thoroughly worthwhile. If you can steer a dog with that sort of precision at the end, it'll no doubt come in handy one day.

I think I'd better toddle off to bed soon...

Hey Ivan

Post 337

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

yeah me too

I still think a dog weaving in an out of legs thing will be funsmiley - biggrin, I will use what I learn there, to teach the other unsociable dog phobic dog to be more sociablesmiley - erm

night night

smiley - cuddle

Hey Ivan

Post 338

Ivan the Terribly Average

If the dog were a dachshund, there'd be a greater degree of difficulty. smiley - silly Imagine, it could get tied in knots!


Hey Ivan

Post 339

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Good evening

well I hope it will be for me, I've got to go to hell in an hour or two smiley - wah and the last couple of days have been really bad, yesterday would be the worst day to date, ended up doing a 12 hr shift, and was exhausted by the time I got home, several times yesterday I came close to crying in frustration, everything that could go wrong did, and then some........

I am so glad the season will be over soon

Hey Ivan

Post 340

Ivan the Terribly Average

I get through my w*rkdays by reminding myself that it's another day closer to retirement. It helps, up to a point.

It was the sheer frustration of w*rk that sent me to the smiley - doctor in the first place, more than a year ago.

smiley - ale - it's probably best if you put that in the fridge, for later.

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