This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Climbing the walls

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

I can't take much more of this stay-home-and-rest business. It's only been four days but I'm so mind-bogglingly bored... It's a cruel thing, having a mind that's annoyed at not going places and a body that just doesn't have the energy to do anything much. The result is the sort of boredom where I can't even decide which DVD to watch because I'm sinking into a state of torpor and I can't make decisions.

The highlight of the day has been doing a load of washing. This took no effort; hurrah for modern washing machines. I don't miss the old twin-tub we had when I was a child, and I certainly don't miss the brooding temperamental contraption with the single tub and the attached over-tub mangle that was in the outside laundry at my paternal grandmother's place.

smiley - rolleyes I'm reminiscing about washing machines. If I'm not careful it'll be memories about fridges I have known. This is what extreme boredom looks like.

I haven't yet counted the bricks in the feature wall in the lounge. I'm saving that for something to do tomorrow.

If I have a good stiff drink, will I make myself more unwell? H'mmm. I'll think about that for a bit, in an effort to decide whether I have anything to lose.

smiley - yawnIvan.

Climbing the walls

Post 2


Hang in there, Ivan. You'll be better soon. smiley - devil

Climbing the walls

Post 3


BTW I reminisce about furnaces I've had.

Climbing the walls

Post 4

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Stick with it, Ivan, there's a glimmer of light at the other end. I'm off back to work today after a week off with a very unfriendly stomach bug, but am about sorted now. As for discussing washing machines - may I direct you towards And something to watch? Might not sound exciting, but this is me reversing my car into the garage. It made me grin, anyway... (if you look at my other videos, you can see lil and her daughter having fits of giggles, that cheers most people up!)

Climbing the walls

Post 5

Ivan the Terribly Average

My main problem at the moment is that I've spent seven months of the year so far on the sicklist. Seven months, for one reason or another. No wonder I feel like I'm stuck in a rather squalid rut.

Re: reversing car. Were you running over something crunchy, or is that just the echo of a confined space?

Climbing the walls

Post 6

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

I can understand that after that long you'd be pretty fed up. I had a month off after an operation once, and was bored out of my skull. You have my sympathy. I hope you're sorted soon!

As for the garage, this was shortly after we'd moved house, and had loads of bubble wrap left over! I may be an adult, but I'm not a grown up!smiley - winkeye

Climbing the walls

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

Bubble wrap! smiley - biggrinsmiley - silly But of course, why didn't I think of that?

Climbing the walls

Post 8

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

It takes a higly developed state of lunacy to come up with an idea like that. And a bigger loon to actually go and do it! smiley - weird

Climbing the walls

Post 9


Oooh, I love my fridge. It has sliding drawers so I can get to the stuff at the back. Why didn't anyone invent that sooner? It's pretty standard on freezers.

I'm with you on the boredom front though. Sometimes I find myself so torpid that my brain goes on the fritz and can't even figure out how to feed itself. smiley - silly

smiley - fairy

Climbing the walls

Post 10

Big Bad Johnny P

I'm not sure that wall climbing is something that you should be undertaking in your condition? smiley - doctor 's advice

Climbing the walls

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

Needlepoint. No, I swear - needlepoint!

When I broke my leg, the first plaster wasn't strong enough to stand on, and the snow was knee deep, so I stayed indoors most of the four weeks I wore it. Often with my foot propped up on a chair to avoid swelling, because swelling hurt.

I watched all the day time soap operas, read all the magazines my mother brought me, solved every sudoku and crossword in them and the rest of the time I stared at the walls, feeling my brains crumble.

Then, one day, one of my friends showed up with a ready set of small needlepoint pictures (complete with yarn, needle, cloth, frames). My remark was:

'Are you crazy? You know I don't sow!'

She just smiled at me and left. In pure desperation, I finally ripped the package open and started sowing, and kept sowing, and when I had finished, it was time to change plaster to one I was allowed to walk on. Whopeeee! Back to work!

Climbing the walls

Post 12


smiley - cheerup

Climbing the walls

Post 13

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I know the feeling Ivansmiley - sadfacegetting bored of BEING bored (might sound daft, but it ain't) and ruts just seem to get deeper. BUT! chin up matesmiley - oka ladder will be just around the corner, I'm still waiting for my ladder and I KNOW there is one coming (just don't know when)

Climbing the walls

Post 14

Researcher 14993127

Hmmm, been there, done that sadly. Even went back to work against docs advice and ended up in hospital for 7 weeks, 2 on life support. smiley - yikes Now I just take each day as it comes. You don't get many chances when your 'ticker' plays up. smiley - erm
As one of my more recent journals state, nowt's gonna change much in the foreseeable future either. smiley - sadface

smiley - cat

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