This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Unexpected windfall

Post 61

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh you are lucky to have a cellar. smiley - envy

The house I'm thinking of buying was built in 1977 - well within my lifetime - and the estate agent says it has some 'original period features'. smiley - weird For crying out loud, my primary school years are now described as 'period', as it might be 'Victorian' or 'Regency' or 'Louis XV'... How old do I feel? smiley - silly

Unexpected windfall

Post 62

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

uh-oh, 'original period features' of the 1970's?

that probably means a yellow baththub, brown tiles and - if you're lucky! - a green fridge...

smiley - pirate

Unexpected windfall

Post 63

Ivan the Terribly Average

The bathroom and tiling have both been redone recently, but there's still a feature wall of exposed brickwork and a brick-lined archway between the lounge and the dining room. And there's only one bathroom, which I think is perfectly acceptable but which a lot of people think is primitive. smiley - weird I can only use one at a time...

Unexpected windfall

Post 64

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

We have that in common smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

Unexpected windfall

Post 65

Ivan the Terribly Average

If I ever meet anyone with whom I *don't* have that in common, I'll be very worried indeed.

Unexpected windfall

Post 66

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - laugh i guess you will

smiley - pirate

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