This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 21


Congrats. smiley - smiley

When did Fb move to NZ? - in my mind's map she is/was somewhere in Australia smiley - huh

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 22

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hi. smiley - smiley

Yes, Frenchbean was here in Australia; she moved to New Zealand recently. (I didn't get a chance to see her while she was here... smiley - weird Life's like that, I suppose.)

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 23


>>I didn't get a chance to see her while she was here<<
- a pity, that. smiley - erm

I have an aunt who went to NZ to live for some years when she was newly wed. They liked it so much they still talk about it at family-get-togethers. It is some 40 years ago...

smiley - smiley

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 24

Ivan the Terribly Average

I haven't been there for 20 years now. It's about time I went and had a proper look around.

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 25


Oh yes smiley - smiley I agree you should, Ivan smiley - ok

As for being voteless... well to be honest if I was voting in this election I'd feel a bit of a fraud because I simply don't understand the political climate or map yet.

Did I tell you that if I'd got my act together, I could have got myself onto the electoral register? Aussies can vote here smiley - biggrin - as long as you're off the Australian register and on the NZ one. I found out the day before the rolls closed, so no time to get it organised. But next time...

In the meantime I'm watching and learning as the campaign goes on here. Unfortunately it isn't a great time to figure out the different parties, because they're all in Promise Everything and Do Nothing mode (even more than normal smiley - evilgrin) as they lure the electorate into the polling place on Novemeber 8th.

And of course this election is being overshadowed (even here) by what's going on in the US.

Hello tartaronne smiley - smiley I was in Oz. Am now in NZ South Island. It's lovely and even after just 6 weeks I'm glad I made the move.


Oh look, it's another election.

Post 26

Ivan the Terribly Average

Maybe it's simplest to sit this election out, Fb. smiley - zen It's probably best to have a good look at the entire zoo before picking a favourite animal, after all.

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 27


Hmm - chimps or hippos? What do you reckon? smiley - tongueincheek

Pollies are the same all over the world, with only minor nuances between countries.

Yes, I'm happy to sit this one out. I don't really feel part of NZ society yet, so am not getting antsy about not having a vote.


Oh look, it's another election.

Post 28

Ivan the Terribly Average

I think chimps, somehow. Sure they're noisy, sure there'll be fruit everywhere, but at least they can't wreck things just by sitting on them. smiley - biggrin

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 29

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

The local election is finally over... The Greens have just announced that they will support Labor to govern the Territory for the next four years. smiley - biggrin This is the third consecutive term for Labor, a leap forward for Green politics, and a delightfully rude noise in the general direction of the Liberals. smiley - somersaultsmiley - bubblysmiley - magic That, of course, is the main thing. smiley - cool

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 30


smiley - ok

(Careful about hippos, Hapi may get upset. smiley - winkeye)

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 31

Ivan the Terribly Average

I thought Hapi was a future President of Europe. smiley - smiley

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 32


Yet a hippo. smiley - winkeye

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 33

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well, a politician needs a thick skin - a good solid build adds a certain dignity too (just think of Helmut Kohl). An ability to swim really fast in African rivers probably wouldn't hurt either. smiley - biggrin

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 34

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - whistle ... did anyone call me? .... did anyone call me .. fat?? smiley - biggrin

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 35


Excellent news, Ivan smiley - ok I hope you had a smiley - stiffdrink or two to celebrate?

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 36

Ivan the Terribly Average

Not fat, Hapi - never fat - you're a man, er, I mean hippo, of substance. smiley - zen

Fb, I have indeed had a celebratory drinkie. smiley - cool Now we just have to see if the arrangements work. What particularly impresses me is that the Greens will not be part of the Government as such; the Libs offered then two ministries to bribe them to support the Libs, but clearly the Greens aren't to be bought like that. So we retain a Labor government, but one that will have to consider Green views if they want to pass any legislation at all. smiley - biggrin I like this idea.

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 37

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - ta Ivan, now let me find myself a politician to sit on.

smiley - biggrin one election done smiley - smiley up to the next smiley - whistle

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 38

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

post 26smiley - winkeyeyep! vote for me - I'll run the world right

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 39

Ivan the Terribly Average

What a good idea. smiley - biggrin

Oh look, it's another election.

Post 40


I am also impressed by the stand taken by your Greens, Ivan smiley - ok Not many parties/pollies would turn down the chance of Ministries.

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