Journal Entries

New Job, No Travel

Yippee, got the new job and the horrible transition period is mostly over. It's deadly quiet here - everyone on vacation, I suppose, so I'm just checking in to see if the Guide is making any progress. My life is relatively quiet: tried a new restaurant today, Teaism. It was ok, but not as fabulous as I'd hoped. Got stung by a yellow jacket mowing the lawn (see intro), but am mostly recovered. Have started running. That's much more fun that I expected, mainly because my friend Marie is my coach. She is very good - strict but encouraging. Anyway, I'm off to find out what's up with GuideML and to babysit all weekend for my niece and nephews. Ta!

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2000

Jog Hunting

Looking for a job is _so_ not fun, but there you go. I had an interview yesterday, and it went fine, but I feel sleazy for even looking when I like the people at my current job so much.

Still, I have to find some way to stop travelling and this looks like my best option. It's a cool job, but the place has a tired and sad atmosphere.

Got my red shoes on, so it's bound to be a good day. More later...

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Latest reply: May 31, 2000

Catchin' Up

So, it's been months since my last entry, and I can see there have been some changes at the h2g2, but still no way to delete journal entries, and as far as I can tell, no in-house spell check. Sigh. As a person who travels wayyyyy too much, I need all the help I can get, the brain she is no workin' so goodly.

Nonetheless - it's party season! Our firm is celebrating the summer every Friday, so today I get to look forward to pina colladas and shrimp! Yippee!

Plus it's a long weekend, so we're having a lovely cocktail party at home, and there will be much shopping, food prep and decorating, not to mention that we get to lounge, lizardlike for the whole day at least on Monday.

So, A pleasant weekend to all and I'll check in again later. Ta!

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Latest reply: May 26, 2000

Guide ML

Ok, I am humbled. Man, I can't wait to be able to delete journal entries. Guess the Guide ML thing isn't as much of an issue in the Journals, since the spacing is reflective of what you write without any coding. Wonder why that works here and not in the Guide entries themselves?

Another mystery of life. Sigh. Still, I'll get it eventually, I guess. In the meanwhile I'll just try to learn from my mistakes. =]

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Latest reply: Dec 3, 1999


Ah, Friday, even after all these years it's still lovely to experience. Hey! I think I have mastered the PARAGRAPH!! I can't tell you how exciting that is, what a help. Anyway, I just got to read the first bit about the Guide's ML and will get on to the rest soon so I can liven things up around here a little. Just read also that soon you'll be able to delete old or duplicate journal entries, very nice. Keep up the good work, powers that be.

What's on today? Husband Brian is taking me to his company Christmas party this evening, basically a nice dinner out with friends. This is our fist "holiday event", not counting Thanksgiving.

Going to a friend's house to see the Army/Navy 100th game on Saturday, looking forward to it. I'm experimenting with making cheesy, spicy crackers to bring for snacking. Knowing Mrs. Damour (lovely name that, no?), there will be lots of good wine as well.

After the game, we'll probably go to a movie with other friends in the area (Richmond, VA) while we are there. Then, on to the 'rents at their farm in central VA for a visit and to gather some greenery to make the house a little more festive, then back to DC on Sunday.

I guess if we didn't like being busy, we wouldn't do this to ourselves, right?

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Latest reply: Dec 3, 1999

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