Journal Entries

4 October

I just completed my 500th work unit for the seti@home project.

This is a distributed computing project in which literally thousands of people around the globe agree to use some of their computer's processing power to analyze that data from sky surveys conducted at the world's biggest radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

There are still mountains of data to be analyzed and there is a group of h2g2 Researchers helping out. More details can be found by following the link in my personal space.

My 500 work units equal 14,093.7 hours of computing time - roughly 1.61 years.

Do get involved in the seti@home project!

There are 104 Researchers at the time of this writing. And as a group we've analyzed 25,784 units equaling 58.27 years of computing time.

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2001

4 October

I just completed my 500th work unit for the seti@home project.

This is a distributed computing project in which literally thousands of people around the globe agree to use some of their computer's processing power to analyze that data from sky surveys conducted at the world's biggest radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

There are still mountains of data to be analyzed and there is a group of h2g2 Researchers helping out. More details can be found by following the link in my personal space.

My 500 work units equal 14,093.7 hours of computing time – roughly 1.61 years.

Do get involved in the seti@home project!

There are 104 Researchers at the time of this writing. And as a group we’ve analyzed 25,784 units equaling 58.27 years of computing time.

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2001

14 September

Today is a 'National Day of Mourning and Remembrance' in America.

At a local elementary school, the students raised the flag like they do every day. But like they have for the past three days, they then lowered it to half-staff to honor the dead.

These children don't understand why the grown-ups began to cry when we all sang patriotic songs. They know something terrible has happened, but it is thankfully removed from their experience and their consciousness.

My daughter was upset Tuesday because the open house at her school was postponed. She's six and simply cannot comprehend that thousands of innocent people are dead. Then again, I'm nearly 33 and I cannot comprehend it either.

We've tried to explain to her the facts of what happened on Tuesday, but we can't begin to explain the 'why' of what happened.

I'm not sure anyone can.

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Latest reply: Sep 14, 2001

11 September

Like most Americans, I watched the terrible events of today on television as they were taking place. Such a tragic waste of life.

I still haven't come to terms with the horror yet. It may take a long time to begin to comprehend such an atrocity.

I want the persons and organizations responsible for this cowardly attack to be punished. I want them to learn a lesson that they cannot get away with mass murder without paying a terrible, terrible cost.

I want to live in a world - to raise my daughters in a world - where things like this do not happen.

There will be time later to discuss the political consequences and causes of these events. Right now it is time to grieve and mourn for the families, for the nation and for a world in which hate like this exists.

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Latest reply: Sep 14, 2001

28 August

We laid my grandmother to rest today.

Funny really how the strangest things can set one's emotions on edge when they're already in a fragile state.

For me it was 'The Lord's Prayer' that was said during the funeral service. When we bought our house last year, my grandmother said that for good luck we should say 'The Lord's Prayer' facing all four walls inside the house.

We did it of course, even though it felt silly, because my grandmother asked us to. But when the prayer was said at the funeral, it brought back that memory and it really got to me.

Odd that.

I would imagine the holidays are going to be tough this year without her being around and baking tons of cookies and sweets and stuff.

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2001

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Jimi X

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