This is the Message Centre for Danisbackfromlunch


Post 41


Noooo not that song! Anything but that song!!

I think that on the Referendum ballot there should be another box:

ANYTHING- just stop playing the adds on the radio 24 hours a day!!

I am an Australian...!

Post 42


Hi there.
I am a fellow Aussie but, although it may cause great danger to my person, I don't actually like beer.

But look on the bright side, it means all the more for you!!

I'd like to say more but my fingers are frozen stiff- another spring day in Melbourne!!

Oh Dear

Post 43

Heart Of Gold


Maybe you should start listening to a different station - I haven't heard any ads on JJJ - a bit of debate but no paid for bull@#$%!!!

Give it a go - pretty much all of Aust. can get the J's!

See ya.

I am an Australian...!

Post 44


G'Day to all the Aussies out there! I have just added Heart of Gold and Kelshandra to the list.....

If anyone knows of any good Australian related guide entry let me know and I will add it to the list...

smiley - smiley


Post 45


Glad you found my page/pages helpful smiley - smiley

Don't Panic! We can increase the amount of HitchHikers references if you like.... or would that confuse you more?

Now I am confused! smiley - winkeye

I am an Australian...!

Post 46

an apple tree

hi, my name is an apple tree and i'm here because......i'm an australian smiley - bigeyes

I am an Australian...!

Post 47


Ha! and I took you for an American.... Sorry mate! smiley - smiley
Will put you on the list asap!!! smiley - smiley

I am an Australian...!

Post 48

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

I'm from Melbourne. But the weather must be different where Kelshandra is, I feel guilty not doing something outside on a SUNNY springf day smiley - smiley

I am an Australian...!

Post 49


You still haven't corrected the entry on me. As I stated towards the top of the conversation, I am from Perth.

I am an Australian...!

Post 50


G'day all! smiley - smiley

The AR page is being updated as I type......

I am an Australian...!

Post 51


Youse are Strine too!

If you're still after Aussie drinking songs, how about the following (to the tune of O My Darlin' Clementine)

Tooheys lager,
Tooheys lager,
In a can or in a glass,
It's the health food of the nation,
Stick yer Foster's up yer *rse

If you want a really obscure title, you could go for:
Football, meat pies, kangaroos & holden cars.


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