This is the Message Centre for Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 41

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Can we have signs?

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 42

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

signs to what, the bathroom?

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 43

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

No no signs with slogans on them that we can wave enthusiastically!

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 44

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yes, and miniature American flags (made in Taiwan).

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 45

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*jumps up and down waving*


Can I have the one that says "Follow Me!" ?? smiley - devil

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 46

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

don't let her Jack </>

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 47

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*pokes* smiley - cross

Oh Go on Jack, ... Pleeeeaaaaasee smiley - grovel

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 48

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Jack she's be noting but trouble</>

*pokes back*

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 49

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*glares at Cal* smiley - cross

I won't Jack.. I will be a good girl..honest!! smiley - angel

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 50

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Cal to Cal and says:
lil me is no trouble. she keeps on your toes and alert. that is good!

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 51

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]



Maybe I should have the *follow me* one

*thinks some more*

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 52

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Thank you Pheloxi smiley - smooch

*looks at Cal* smiley - tongueout

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 53

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

shows age...

there was song in 70s ...may be more later

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 54

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

shows age...

there was "follow me" song in 70s ...may be more later

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 55

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I couldn't possibly know that smiley - whistle

smiley - laugh

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 56

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I think was Baccara, but I can not find it, because the title was different. it was sang by lady who had dark voice.

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 57

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - bigeyes Ooh.. I have no idea...

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 58

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

awww....who cares about "an one dayfly" song....

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 59

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Excuse me, this place is the home of a campaign I WOULD appreciate some input *strums his fingers on the campaign desk*

Jacks Journal: Please read this people

Post 60

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

sorry Jack *hangs head in shame*

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