Welcome Slayerettes!!

Devilish child

Co-founder of the original online sccobies.... accept NO imitations!!

Pentagram in a circle, two candlesWelcome to my new space, I hope you all wiped your feet before you came in.
I'm a HUGE Buffy nut, as if you hadn't guessed by my name, and season 6 is my favourite overall!!! Willow is the greatest character ever and they should never have killed Tara...meanies.
smiley - witch

Other interests and loves are:

A wizard

smiley - loveGood Films

smiley - loveMusic

smiley - lovePoetry and Shakespeare

smiley - loveAngelina Jolie

smiley - loveReading

smiley - loveTattoos and piercing

smiley - loveAnimals

Pictures/Smileys/Who's online

A witchWhy don't you check out my Scooby mates, firstly there's comedy guy and my best scooby mate Xander (Check out his page if you need any help with your page), then there's vengance demon Anya and good slayer Faith. My baby and Wiccan wonder, Tara. Cool, calm and collected, Oz and Buffy's lil sis, Dawn.

Quick Links!

Sarah Michelle Gellar
Alyson Hannigan
Amber Benson
Emma Caulfield
James Marsters
Seth Green
Charisma Carpenter
Eliza Dushku
Nicholas Brendon
Michelle Trachtenberg
Anthony Stewart Head
David Boreanez
Buffy Quotes
...more Quotes
..."Grave" Quote
Check out the real scoobies bio's here:

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Visit from your ACE!... Oct 19, 2003


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Visit from your ACE!... No Posting Oct 19, 2003


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Researcher U516903


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