Emma Caulfield (Bio)

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Emma Caulfield
A white rabbit
...was born in San Diego, CA on April 8th 1973, she was bitten
by the acting bug at the age of 15 and first began studying on a 6 week course at La Jolla
Playhouse, and also within the campus of UCLA drama department, she also spent time at the Old Globe Theatre where she won the honor of 'Excellence in Theatre Arts'.

She is credited with numerous theatre productions and is best known for her roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as the straight talking, money loving Anya (Supposedly as a replacement for Cordelia) and "Darkness Falls".

She has also had roles in a number of well known TV shows, such as; "Renegade", "Nash Bridges", and as Nurse Penny Brady in "Saved by the Bell: The College Years", she also had a starring role in the 1995-96 season of "Beverley Hills 90210" as Brandon's love interest, Susan Keats.

She has been quoted as saying, about her future in acting,"I don't know that I want to act in 15 years from now. I mean, I love the process of acting, but not the masochism."

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