This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
Websailor Posted May 28, 2005
Help! ACES where are you? AlsoRan1 aka GenJoanofac has mislaid her original space!!
A1, I am very puzzled as to why you cannot access your space. It is still there, when I click on it, as are your current messages. I am sure some of our lovely ACES will be able to help you soon. At least the strike seems to have been postponed for the time being.
Hope you have a lovely weekend, and that you enjoy having your granddaughter around.
If you wish you can contact me at twirlysixtyatyahoodotcodotuk. You will have to translate this to an email address with the sixty as a numeral and the usual dots in place. Give it a go if you are inclined. Please put Christiane or AlsoRan1 in the subject line so I know it isn't spam!! It would be nice to talk to an "old Biddy" away from public eyes - one old biddy to another
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted May 29, 2005
Also Ran 1, I really believe that your friends will get to the bottom of this problem. Please do not give up.
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
GenJoanofac Posted May 29, 2005
Dearest Batty,
Oh dear - what is my account.
Is it my name, my address, my run=name, my number and my passwords? If it is anything else please let me know. I shall send it all to you. Thank you so much.
I hope you and all having a good weekend. Tomorrow my darling Cathy arrives. I am so lonking forward to seeing her.
K. and I had a wonderful day in London on thursday. I had acupuncture, and then my eldest son took the two of uys out to ounch to a marvellous Levanese restaurant. Then we went and sat in the restaurant in Regnets Park which serves the outdoor Theatre. Then went back to M. house where we had not been able to go for nearly two years. It was such a happy day, and the next morning I woke up feeling quite marvellous having had 32 needles placed in me in strategic positions. I honestly felt young again - and then nearly fell over in the bathroom.!!
Ah me, Ah my.
With affection and thank you for trying to make me "legal" again.
And thank you Paul as well.
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted May 29, 2005
AR1, just go home!
Darlinkkk~ AR1 ~ to get back to: Introducing myself, go to:
I sent you both your home page links. But U18682 will hopefully take you home.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ I jusssss
you so much!
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted May 29, 2005
Didn't I solve it? I mean, if she can get here all she needs do is click onto the above link to her home page. Cookie should remember her addy.
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
Batty_ACE Posted May 29, 2005
I think the problem may be logging in as herself so she can edit and do whatever she likes.. I guess..
Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted May 29, 2005
That's why I thought cookie would do the trick.
I forgot my password, etc. but the site seemed to remember MAC.
I'll keep my eyes crossed for her.
Time to go. Shrimp is ready! ~~~~~~
Have a good Holiday Batty!
(I sure as recall where I was LAST year on this date!
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Also Ran 1's Splendiferous Birthday Party
- 41: Websailor (May 28, 2005)
- 42: Batty_ACE (May 28, 2005)
- 43: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (May 29, 2005)
- 44: GenJoanofac (May 29, 2005)
- 45: Pandora...Born Again Tart (May 29, 2005)
- 46: Batty_ACE (May 29, 2005)
- 47: Pandora...Born Again Tart (May 29, 2005)
- 48: Batty_ACE (May 29, 2005)
- 49: Pandora...Born Again Tart (May 29, 2005)
- 50: Batty_ACE (May 29, 2005)
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