My space

Time to update this space me thinks! Hiya to everyone new and old that pass by my space, Im Lilly and im married Twenty Four years now, I have three wonderfull grown up Children and a Grandaughter Alex whose nearly One already, and im owned by Three Cats a a Black persian, Tessa. A felix type, Gizzy and a Tabby Oscar . My youngest owns a Rabbit, hold the jokes on stews and pot please lol. Please feel free to leave a message and i'll promise to return a reply as soon as i can, Thankyou for taking the time to read this and i wish you all the very best love Lilly xxx Reminds me of a sunset at Padstow Mmmmmmmmm my favourite place to be in the summer. Great fresh fish to be had and a wonderful place called Rock across the way for playtime fun or just chilling like taking a walk on a warm summers eve to reflect on life Heaven. Im a great lover of chocolate Mmmmmmmmm Bournville
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My old space
My entry on Legend the film
Excerpts from a Cats and Dogs daily diary
Im also an avid collector of Unicorns. i love to read and watch the odd film in the evening, in the summer i love to meet up with my mates have the odd bbq and catch up with what they have been doing Im also into mooching around old Graveyards with my friend and fellow moocher Helen looking at the interesting Headstones/Tombstones then Google them found Queen Victoria's surgeon at one point! love to go around old castle's Berry Pomeroy what a place!. I loath the winter except when it snows and many a great game of snowballs has been had by all lol.


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Princess Lilly,

Researcher U516222


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