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Post 1


sorry to interrupt but I was wondering where all the women (except your mum, who i'm sure is very deserving) are? Or is that because this is the ascent of man that there are no women? sorry to sound picky, i know your title is referential, but it just seems a bit silly to leave out fifty percent of the population. If you would like to expand it to include women how about: Germaine Greer, Kate Sheppard, Margaret Thatcher (oops how did that get in there), Chief Justice Sian Elias, Professor Jane Kelsey, and heaps more. Good idea - it might be worth breaking the list down into categories because it is soooooooooo long. Grrrrr (in a friendly non-spanner wielding way)


Post 2

Mark Rest

A good point. I've added Germain Greer to the list with 4 stars. I do not how many of the h2g2 people are female, JAX certainly is. I do not feel that is my prejudice that has created a list of mainly men. However I feel that women will provide an increasing proportion of contribution. I dearly wish I could rememeber the name of the woman who worked out the structure of DNA. Hope do offense has been taken. As for including Margaret Thatcher, I'm surprised at you with you left wing politics. I think you have a point though maybe I should include her even though I couldn't stand her when she was Prime Minister.


Post 3


Thanks for taking my input on board - I know what you mean about Margaret Thatcher, I in no way agree with what she did but she has had a huge influence on the shape of Britain and to some extent on Europe and the rest of the world too. In case you're wondering Kate Sheppard was a NZ suffragette (and today Sept. 19th is Suffrage Day in NZ), Chief Justice Sian Elias is NZ's first female CJ and Jane Kelsey is a rocking left wing academic in NZ. Sorry about the NZ flavour, but its where i live, so, you know. I wasn't trying to suggest that you were prejudicied - you probably aren't - I was merely trying to point out that women contribute too, and you clearly already understood that, which is great. smiley - bigeyes and a smiley - fish


Post 4

Mark Rest

just after making my last posting I read that Rosalind Franklin took the first images of DNA. Then two men Watson and Crick published the theory of the double helix. Thats how it should be men and women working together. Shame she doesn't get much credit. Well I'll add her to my list. BTW the list is split up in a way as they are grouped by the number of stars I've awarded them all. Your suffragette probably would count if I knew more about her.


Post 5

Mark Rest

Have you any more suggestions for Women how have helped the Ascent of Humanity?

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