This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 3, 1999
cool, okay then, I'll set it up offline then post it on here.
Unfair, it snowing up there, *sulk*
Okaee then, freak, I'll see ya round, ya freak.
Lisa the Freak
Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ Posted Dec 6, 1999
Dammit, I posted a reply yesterday but my computer fell over. Oh well. Anyway, freak, I finally got the hitchhiker trilogy a couple of days ago so I can read the lot now, including Mostly Harmless
How's the freak page going, freak?
Uh, dammit, ug. I hate it when I try to think of a subject and can't
Anyway, I finally did my German listening today (still got to do the reading and the writing) and I got 1s (best grade possible) in maths, physics, english (reading and writing) and I was quite chuffed. Now, freak, tell me I'm not a freak
Dammit, the snow melted and froze again, freak, so it still trips you up, but it's not very good (ie useless) for snowballs
©µ†|ër¥ †hé ƒ®êåk
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 6, 1999
The page looks a lot better written down than it does typed out so I've had to make some chanes and it's not doing very well right now but maybe that's cos I haven't done much to it for about four days, ho hum anren't these long sentences i'm stringing together now, hehe.
Hmm, we had a German test today, I got bored and coloured in the corner of the page. Greeeeeat.
Lower School disco tomorrow. I'm going to be a goth. Not permanently though, I'm too happy to be a goth I reckon. Just for the disco. I tried out the makeup bit today.
I looked like Drucilla
I think I really am going to get the freak reputation soon
cya round I'll have the page done soon promise.
Lisa The Freak
Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ Posted Dec 7, 1999
Heh, I know the feeling. I once had a German vocabulary test and I was so bored that I guessed "microwave" for everything I didn't know (well.. if it was an adjective I guessed "microwaved" and if it was a verb, "to microwave")
Hey, you don't have to be a morbigoth, you can be a perkygoth. Although the latter is generally much rarer, it is also much happier. Freak.
I sat the rest of my German tests today, freak... and I was forced to do social dancing... which would be nice if there were more girls like, say, you in my school (that's not a chat-up line, or at least if it is it's unintentional) but my school is shite.
Oh well.. As they say:
Some things in life are bad, they can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse,
When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble, give a whistle,
And this'll help things turn out for the beeeesst... and...
Always look on the bright side of life... *whistles*
Okay... enough.
Cutlery the fr34k
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 8, 1999
Wooooooooooooo the disco was so hoopy!!!! I'm going to put a jouirnal entry up when I can be bothered, i've already writtnen it but just don't feel like typing it out.
Oh & BTW excuse me for not putting "freak" after everything.
On the page: are we or aren't we going to allow just anyone to join, do they have to do something first?
excuse me.
s'about it.
Lisa the Freak
Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ Posted Dec 9, 1999
Oh, I think anyone who actually _wants_ to be an h2g2 freak must be a bit freakish (and besides, I can't be bothered interviewing).
You're excused, (for not putting freak as every other word)
Oh, I've got all my exam results back now (except Modern Studies) and on a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being best, I've got straight 1s hoopy hoopy hoopy don't I just know where my towel is?
Cutlery the freak
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 9, 1999
Zaphara wants to join and possibly Jinx.
Oh ~& well done.
Page will be put up..
Tomorrow. Maybe. Hopefully.
postings are getting shorter...
There ya go.
Lisa the Freak
Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ Posted Dec 11, 1999
Grrr I hate my Modern Studies teacher. There's 2 parts to Modern - KU (Knowledge and Understanding) and ES (Enquiry Skills) - I got a 3 in KU and a 1 in ES - overall 2. That means I got 7 1s and a 2. Oh well, easy come easy go.
I don't know Zaphara or Jinx but since you are a co-founder (and the person who's putting most effort into this) then you can be the judge of it... you know if they are worthy
Hehe, postings getting shorter? Never! They just get more and more meaningless, just like this sentence, and so we are less inspired about what to talk about, inviting more meaningless shite.
But short? No!
Cutlery The Freak
Forlor Posted Dec 11, 1999
How did you make that button(the one that doesn't want to be pushed)?
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 12, 1999
I'll get you the code later.
I'm not going to come on to h2g2 as often as i used to anymore. I'm beginning to, sorry have, gone off it. Howver I will still be coming back. I'll do the Freaks page before I leave promise.
I've been looking through some old Monty Python tapes. Last night I downloaded loads of sounds and the scripts for all three films. THe complete scripts. I watched LOB today and compared it with the script and it really is completely accurate. The Holy Grail is on tomorrow.. I haven't seen that yet.. I can't wait, hehehehe
Sorry.. can't think of much more to say now .... oops...
sssssssssssssoooooooo iiiii'''''llllllllllll ffffffffiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ttttttttthhhhhhiiiiiiiissssssss sssssssspppppppaaaaaaaacccccceeeeeeee wwwwwwiiiiiitttttthhhhhh mmmmmmiiiiiinnnnnndddddlllllleeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss nnnnnoooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssseeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lisa The (Braindead) Freak
Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ Posted Dec 13, 1999
Aww... I would try to convince you not to go, but sometimes you just gotta move on. I can tell when I'm going to lose an argument, so I'll save myself the embarrassment
But thanks for visiting my "smile" entry, being so friendly, being such a nice person, for all your work on the freaks, and for introducing me to h2g2 in general. *holds virtual hand up against virtual window seperating virtual me and virtual you*
Goodbye earthwoman... hope the lifestyle comes together (I read the journal entry) And I hope you never forget where your towel is.
In the immortal words of Charlie Brown, "Goodbys always make my throat hurt... I need more hellos"
Man, I'm depressed now. Oh well, I guess I can phone and agonise about it to my g/f Sorry if I've depressed you now.
Cutlery the absolute freak, lacking any form of common sense what so ever
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 14, 1999
I'm still gonne come online.. just not so much on h2g2.. I could email you what's your email address again?
Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ Posted Dec 15, 1999
I know, you said.
it's [email protected] (and yes, my name really is Philip Potter *bleah*)
Cutlery the freak
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 20, 1999
I just reread through this thread and it depressed me thinking that I'm gonna go ... I'm gonna miss you ... *sobs*
BTW I've started to get on with the page AT LAST... It'll be done as soon as Vegi or Bruce or whoever gives me the forms code.
Lisa the (slightly confused over whether or not to leave after all) Freak
PS The smileys are on vacation
Ahhh, here they come.
I'm gonna email you now.
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Dec 21, 1999
Ow!! Look at all the different smileys!! Apart from the awful, terrible fact that they bugger up the smiley-boxes around your name () They're cool!
(This time I have a very different approach to the different smileys)
Shame about the fish
Hahaha they're different on different posts!!Hahaha!!
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 3, 1999)
- 42: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 6, 1999)
- 43: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 6, 1999)
- 44: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 7, 1999)
- 45: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 8, 1999)
- 46: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 9, 1999)
- 47: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 9, 1999)
- 48: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 11, 1999)
- 49: Forlor (Dec 11, 1999)
- 50: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 12, 1999)
- 51: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 13, 1999)
- 52: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 13, 1999)
- 53: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 14, 1999)
- 54: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 14, 1999)
- 55: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 15, 1999)
- 56: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 20, 1999)
- 57: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 21, 1999)
- 58: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (Dec 22, 1999)
- 59: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Dec 22, 1999)
- 60: Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿ (May 2, 2000)
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