This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hello Lisa!

Post 61

Jo (Dead)


(Norman's my cat who is now dead because some idiot was driving too fast in the Forest of Dean.)

I think I'm going to start a protest to make people realise how dangerous it is to drive so fast along the Forest lanes.

Hello Lisa!

Post 62

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

And I'm going to help you. smiley - sadface

Hello Lisa!

Post 63

Jimi X

Wow!! I had no idea!!! Then what takes you two so long on most days??

Hello Lisa!

Post 64

Jimi X

Why not do a user page on the topic?
I'll sign on as a supporter!! I cringe when I see idiots driving fast through shop parking lots. I've got a 4-year old and a 4-month old and either one could be killed (not unlike poor Norman) by some reckless fool.

Hello Lisa!

Post 65

Jo (Dead)


We're not allowed online until after 6:00 because it's cheaper then.


smiley - sadface

Hello Lisa!

Post 66

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Bloody idiots, getting there a few seconds earlier doesn't really matter as much as a cat's life.

Hello Lisa!

Post 67

Jo (Dead)


I'll see if I can't scan in some photos of him.

Hello Lisa!

Post 68


The worst thing I've experienced about speeding drivers is that when they almost cause an accident, they look at /you/ as though it was your fault. I was pulling out into the road in front of my house yesterday and a guy came down the road, which is double parked all the way down, he must have been doing about 35-40 mph and slammed on the brakes when he suddenly saw me. I'll admit that I couldn't see him as I had the sun in my eyes, but that was why I was creeping out slowly. This four letter expletive was speeding on a narrow residential back street and almost caused an accident. He then had the gaul to curse at me. So I did what any six foot four bloke would do. I got out and shouted back. Actually I didn't because I'm basically a large coward, but I wanted to.
smiley - fish

Hello Lisa!

Post 69

Jo (Dead)

That's probably enough.
I'll have to be strict with my Dad as well. He's an awful driver. He does over 70 on the mornings when we're late.

Hello Lisa!

Post 70


I shouldn't criticise I supose. Until recently I had nine points on my licence for speeding. But and it's a big but, I never sped in built up areas.
smiley - fish

Hello Lisa!

Post 71

Jo (Dead)

This is a forest. In fact it's the Forest. You know trees, sheep the whole bit. And very twisty roads.

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