This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hello Lisa!

Post 1

Jimi X

How's it going?
Where do you go to school?
Is it nice there?
Don't you hate meaningless questions?

I'm just blathering to hide a certain forum with a certain researcher's hidden identity in it!
smiley - smiley

Hello again!

Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

The grammar school here in Cheltenham!

I don't think that's him you know.....

smiley - bigeyesLisa

Hello again!

Post 3

Jo (Dead)

Hello! I thought you weren't coming online tonight 'cos of too much homework....
Still you always were a pretty speedy writer....
So go over changing to GuideML one more time, when its in type I won't forget it.
Jinx ( curse, bewitch, evil eye etc....)

Hello again!

Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


1. Copy out the code from the e-mail.
2. Go to edit page.
3. Delete all the CODE stuff that's there.
4. Click on Guide ML (under the box thing)
5. Click on *change type*
6. Paste your poll where you want it.

Too much homework?? Nah, I told you she was being too ambitious asking me to complete half-an-hour's classwork *AND* my homework in one night. I'm not handing it in, she can go..

ANYWAY, go do your page then I'll check it out.

Did you get my e-mail about the PLay? (copyright rules mean no say on h2g2 or else tdv can take it and we want full copyright, RIGHT?)

smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes

Hello again!

Post 5

Jimi X

You said that in the other forum too! Why not?

Hello again!

Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

TDV can take stuff we say in forums or pages and use it elsewhere, and this is more of a thing we'd rather not have *public*.

If you really want to see it I can e-mail you the first scene.

Lisasmiley - bigeyes

Hello again!

Post 7

Jo (Dead)

*hey hey hey*

Hello again!

Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

You don't want me to tell him?

Hello again!

Post 9

Jo (Dead)

Cousre you can I was just laughing!
I think I'll just write *laughs* in square brackets next time.

Hello again!

Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

more traditionally it's *he he he* or *ha ha ha* and not *hey hey hey*.

smiley - winkeye

Hello again!

Post 11

Jo (Dead)

Oh *traditionally*, yes.

Hello again!

Post 12

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

have you done your guideml yet??

if not then could you send me that e-mail they sent you.

Hello again!

Post 13

Jo (Dead)

I'm just off to now.

Hello again!

Post 14

Jo (Dead)

Wahoo! GuideML! Now there's no end to what I can do!
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Hello again!

Post 15

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Where'd Jimi X go?!!!!

smiley - sadface

(to jo: if you put round something it should flash.)

Hello again!

Post 16

Jimi X

I'm right here you goofball, just buried under all this paperwork!

We're planning to build a new elementary school (grammar school to you)! And I must determine if that is feasible or if we should renovate and expand our existing facilities given this area of Pennsylvania's propensity for enrollment expansion over time!

Shoot me!!!!! smiley - sadface

BTW: Make sure you keep your capitalization the same in Guide ML scripts....In your example, you had a capital B and a lower case B for the blink code.

And me email is [email protected] if you want to send me that play draft!
I'll be nice and maybe I'll even send you a draft of "my" elementary school (grammar school) play back to you! If, of course, I can find it. I think it's in a box at my mother's house. (in the attic?)
smiley - smiley

Hello again!

Post 17

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Well let me warn you it's very stupid. It's... I'll explain in the e-mail smiley - bigeyes. Which I'll send tomorrow cos it's half past ten right now and I've still got to revise for a science test, dammit.smiley - sadface

Ahhh so what, mixing up caPitAliSition never bothered me before... smiley - winkeye Does it actually make a difference in html/guideml codes?

Hello again!

Post 18

Jimi X

So sayeth the honourable Mad Munk!

And when it comes to html, xml and guide ml, I ALWAYS listen to him!! smiley - smiley

Hello again!

Post 19

Jo (Dead)


*leans back in chair and starts to hum Madonna, Beautiful Stranger*

Hello again!

Post 20

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

That's it!!!

I can't take it!!

She hasn't actually shut up about you all day!!!!!! Come on Jimi, we have to knock some sense into her.

*Look Jo you can't two-time when both people know about it.*

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