This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

the researcher formerly called et

Post 21


Is this a private conversation, or can anyone add some trivial and ultimately useless junk.

the researcher formerly called et

Post 22


No, Im from the JAMFSOB!!!

So there!!!!!

Soon all your forums will be full of dribble!!!!!


the researcher formerly called et

Post 23


Somebody pass the valium

the researcher formerly known as et

Post 24


i don't understand the reasonining behind growing grass- ppl fertilize it, massage it, or whatever- to make the stuff grow.. and just when the grass is starting to grow- it is wacked off.

(and ke-lady... hmmmm.. i like the dash in that... i've seen kelady and kelody, but generally only from bad spellers...)

go ahead and nose around (see if there is anything interesting...)
or atleast i don't mind you wandering around... lisa might, but i doubt..


the researcher formerly called et

Post 25


kelterskelter? *laugh*
ummmmmmmmm... no... that looks like it belongs in some alan parson's song tho..

isn't the fbi only in the us?

the researcher formerly called et

Post 26

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga




HEY hey hey. what does that stand for?





hold on. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


the researcher formerly called et

Post 27


Could someone please tell me when its safe to take my fingers out of my ears. Or at least give me fair warning about next time she blows up. Anyway, You are quite right the FBI are only supposed to be in the states (please note the "supposed" in the last sentence) so you should be quite safe.

Unless the CIA are involved, In which case
"I was never here"

the researcher formerly called et

Post 28


Hi again EX-et!

When you said "what does that stand for?" were you refering to JAMFSOB? If so, I'm not telling you, you've got to work it out.

I filled up your Who's been here forum with confusion as revenge for you foiling my previous windup on this forum the night before by logging off too early.

I do love poking around in your forums though, (no rude puns or innuendo intended) so I may pop back again.
I must get on and write some more articles though. That IS the point of being here after all.

the researcher formerly called et

Post 29


No its not smiley - smiley

the researcher formerly called et

Post 30

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Welll MM an' I reckon our purpose here is to be lost. smiley - winkeye



I can't work it ooooouuuut!!!



Yeah I will.


the researcher formerly called et

Post 31


Well you can always eat.......I'm not going to finish that sentence, its too crude for family viewing. smiley - winkeye

the researcher formerly called et

Post 32

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I am not going to even think about what that last bit was. No I'm not.



the researcher formerly called et

Post 33


Warning, perverted mind at work. I am sorry, but you left that one wide open (and you can make anything you want of that) smiley - winkeye

the researcher formerly called et

Post 34

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I wouldn't have noticed that one if you hadn't animated it with 'Vegas lights. smiley - bigeyes

the researcher formerly called et

Post 35


Thats an idea, how about an Elvis smiley. That may take a while to do right, DOH wrong forum.

the researcher formerly called et

Post 36

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Great. An Elvis smiley. WONDERFUL! smiley - winkeye Hmm I'm gonna try creating something when I get my own page working..

the researcher formerly called et

Post 37


I'm still not going to tell you.

You can't catch me (I'm too far away from you for a start.)

Talking of Elvis though, it was suggested to me the other night that a Dread Zeppellin type thing only with AC/DC should be attempted.
It is possible to do "I'm shook up all night long" where you sing the words to "All Shook up" over the tune of "You shook me all night long."
Whether you'd want to is a different matter of course.

the researcher formerly called et

Post 38


What the hell are you talking about?!?!?

the researcher formerly called et

Post 39

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Ditto what he said

the researcher formerly called et

Post 40


nice to know that one is not alone in total incomprehension

Or perhaps it was one of those languages which look like english, sound like english even tastes like english. Yet somehow is not.

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