This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Character Map??

Post 101


Fans! AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha...ha ha..aha...ha ha..

Sorry, I love corny jokesz. smiley - smiley

TWO somebodies? Wow! I can start my own cult!

Cult. Oooh. I think I'll put dat on my page.

Character Map??

Post 102

Jo (Dead)


Character Map??

Post 103



Character Map??

Post 104

Jo (Dead)

gfk? GFK?? I came over to a forum that hasn't been used for 6 weeks for a post that reads gfk?????!!!!!!
smiley - smiley

Hey Hey

Post 105


There is a rational explanation for this

Hey Hey

Post 106

Jo (Dead)

Let's hear it then.
smiley - smiley

Hey Hey

Post 107

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Now you've dragged me into this dead conversation!

What on Earth does gfk mean anyway?

Hey Hey

Post 108

Jo (Dead)

That's what we're trying to establish.
smiley - smiley

Hey Hey

Post 109


gfk - noun; This is a word that Olli types when he has to type somethimg fast and meaningless

The reason: I used a security loophole in H2G2 to post a picture on ET's page, she didnt like it so I had to bring a lot of dead threads back to life again to get it off her page

**DO NOT post anything in the forum which has a big picture of cap'n crunch otherwise I will have to do it all again**
smiley - smiley

Hey Hey

Post 110

Jo (Dead)

You can't post pictures in forums so Me thinks you is safe.
smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 111


Hey im not stuupid smiley - winkeye yes I do miss-spell words but ET, Festival and I really did uncover this smiley - bigeyes
do you see?

No Subject

Post 112

Jo (Dead)

Another geek. I'm outa here as well now. Lisa's bad enough.
smiley - sadface

No Subject

Post 113


Was it something I said? smiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 114

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

"Lisa's bad enough"?

Fine, be like that. I don't care. It's up to you. Your choice. Do what you want.

Boohoo. (!)

Hey Olli

No Subject

Post 115


Looks like I make fights wherever I go smiley - sadface
are you 2 friends ?

No Subject

Post 116

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

It's not you, trust me.

Yeah, me & Jinx know each other from school. Although at this minute, calling us "friends" would be stretching the word to it's limits. It's a sort of on-off friendship right now, anything makes us fall out.

No Subject

Post 117

Jo (Dead)

*places hand on forehead*

That is the worst question you could possibly ask.
smiley - sadface

*cries desperately*

Life is not phantasmagoria
There is no one there to comfort her
And who's fault is that?
Oh, whooo?


Post 118


That sounds like the relationship I have with Micro**t (only kidding smiley - winkeye )

No Subject

Post 119

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Well at least I don't flirt with people I don't even know!! At least my lovelife (however empty it is!) is not tangled and confused!

At least I understand love and don't play with it like it was a rubber ball! Because it's not, okay!!

I know what I'm doing, and I know that I won't regret it.

However, you will.

No Subject

Post 120


I wish I hadnt just seen that

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