This is the Message Centre for Grey

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 21


I did that ages ago. Didn't you notice?

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 22

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Hmm flowers, that is the only thing remotely related to an island around here. Hmm, I have a feeling I should be doing something at the moment.

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 23


Right Garibaldi, There is something you should be doing. I want you to pull out the daffodil with all of your might when I count to 47. On each number I will take a pace so by the time I say 47 I should be in that bunker over there.


Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 24

Grey mean Garabaldi is going to go off? I didn't need to know that...

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 25


Not Garibaldi. But I think that the Duke will be slightly unpleased byt he action and may take offense. The bunker is a safety precaustoin only and everyone else should be quite safe with minimal body armour and a towel held in front fo their faces.

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 26


Right. I'll be in the bunker.

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 27


Um.... does this really have to happen? *gulp* Er... I'm feeling a whole lot better guys. Honestly! smiley - sadface

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 28


You know this is for your own good.Nobody can go around stark naked with a daffodil... there. Now just lie down and think of England, It's best not to think of anywhere you like while this procedure is in progress.

Right, grit your teeth, elbows and eyelids and let the fun begin!

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 29


Um... why 47? Can't we just get this over and done with?

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 30


OK 47, I'm in the bunker on my own. What? Where did you lot come from?
Alright, alright!


Everyone get your heads down. What do you mean you've only got one?

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 31


I could give a very rude answer to that but I won't smiley - winkeye.

Now that my tulip has been sugically removed, what happens now?

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 32


We send it to someone we don't like. Any suggestions?

Oi - stop looking at me like that.

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 33


Um. We are still trapped on this island, aren't we? I lost the thread of this discussion a long time ago.

And Vestlad, I can look at you any way I want as you seem to be holing a rather soiled looking daffodil. smiley - smiley

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 34


The thread?! Oh the THREAD! Er... yes we all didn't get abducted by aliens in the other thread so we came here to be marooned on an island and turn it into a theme park with a twist and then we seem to have lost it. And its all my fault.
*loud noise of tears running down Vestboy's cheeks*

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 35


Vestboy can be our main attraction--the only superhero who's a human fountain. smiley - winkeye

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 36


*noise of tears running down vestboys legs*

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 37


Pigeons start fluttering in from everywhere and landing on the Vestboy fountain. Old ladies start sitting around him throwing breadcrumbs to the pigeons. A group of playful youths tag him with fluro green spraypaint, laughing merrily as they do.

An ecosystem develops.

Tourists start coming from other islands to visit our theme park featuring Vestboy, the human fountain. Planes use the fountain as a navigational tool to land from. People fall in love, governments are formed, monuments are constructed and religions are formed all due to the sacrifice of one little demi-super hero (villian?).

All the original inhabitants of Abduction Island leave rich people. Very, very rich.

But what of Vestboy? The others only hear rumours now. Some say he's still there, now older than time itself. Some say that he left years ago, and passed his unique gift to a world to an apprentice. Some say it's no longer human, this thing that stands in the theme park: that it's either a mechanical replica or that Vestboy's beyond human now. He has taken his place among the gods. But no one knows for sure. These are now tales that grandparents tell to grandchildren in the late hours of the evening.

All that people know for sure is this: Abduction Island, once an inhospitible wilderness, is now a place thriving with beauty and peace. The other thing that all people know is that the original inhabitants, now rich beyond their wildest dreams, don't really care.

smiley - smiley

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 38

Fate Amenable To Change

Is the Duke around I wanyt to ask him something

Abduction Isand II, the sequel

Post 39


Oi mush. I'm a bloomin' superhero. I was always beyond human!

Ha snayone got a hairdryer to use on my y-fronts?

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