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Please leave a message after the beep....
Posted Aug 31, 1999
Sandwich Maker is currently experiencing personal difficulties and cannot come to the webpage right now. Any and all comments, updates and general support is greatly appreciated and as soon as my personal life stabilizes, I promise to respond to it all. But for now I will log in sporadically. HOpe to be back soon.....BEEP!
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Latest reply: Aug 31, 1999
Long time....
Posted Aug 17, 1999
I haven't been around much on the site (thanks for noticing, nobody!). Was home last week for my older brother's wedding. It was a lot of fun and my first wedding experience. I am still recovering from the three day long party that was his wedding. Otherwise things are about the usual. Read a strange mystery type novel recently about a person who turns into a wolf. It was a good story until they actually got into the part of her actually becoming a wolf. Then it was a little too strange for my taste. But I read a lot and quickly so I am always looking for suggestions of good reads (besides the obvious one(s) of H2G2). If anyone else is trying to find something one of my all-time favorites is "Beach Music" by Pat Conroy, who also wrote "Prince of Tides". This latter one had an excellent book but I personally feel that Barbra Streisand ruined it in the movie. I have no liking for Streisand. Recently read something where someone said that people are one of two types, Midler or Streisand, meaning you either like Bette Midler more or Barbra more, personally I am a Midler but I also think there are people who like neither.
I voted for the softball team, seeing how I am officially in charge of fish sandwiches and being bar wench. I am very excited about this. Although I think we should move to not serve fish sandwiches due to the fact that there are many fishees on this server and I wouldn't want to accidentally serve up a relative of my own personal fish, Rupert. Anybody with me?
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Latest reply: Aug 17, 1999
Posted Aug 6, 1999
Ok I need your help. YES YOU!!!! To anyone who happens upon this journal entry......please render your opinion here. My fiance is in the dog house.......We have been together for almost two years, have lived together for over a year and are getting married in October and last night when asked what color my eyes are he responded "brown". Which would be great, except for the fact that my eyes are not now nor have never been brown!!!!!! In fact they are blue and sometimes have some green to them, but never Brown!!!!!!!!! So I am upset with him. Now I know some of you may think I am being sensitive and perhaps I am. And I do forgive and yes I am still going to marry him, but I want to know what you the viewer thinks of this. Also I want to see if any other females feel the way I do about flowers. At midnight last night he was going to go to the 24 hour grocery store to get me flowers, like that was going to cure all. I informed him that paying a little attention would be much better than flowers and that flowers do not fix every little problem. Why do you men think that they do......why do you think that if you mess up, you can buy us flowers and we are supposed to act like that makes up for it??? Can anyone tell me why? I am taking suggestions/comments/votes from you the viewer....Let's hear ya H2G2!!!
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Latest reply: Aug 6, 1999
Doo du doo da doo...
Posted Jul 30, 1999
Inspector Gadget, saw the movie tonight. It was cute. There was an especially funny clip in the credits about Minions. I won't give it away. Don't know exactly what to say right now. Does anyone think it is a bad thing to not get along with one's (future) mother-in-law? I know the myth but I didn't think it would be true......but alas for me it is. Oliver's (my fiance, yes he has a name) mother is out of control. Everything she does is irritating. So here is something that will probably make more people dislike I found in college that there was a strong group of people who have a thing against us, but I am Catholic, born and raised. Even went to an all girls Catholic high school, wore the plaid skirt and all that, and I was thrilled when Oliver decided to convert. I want to state too that it didn't matter to me. He decided this after I agreed to marry him and did it because he wanted to, he wanted religion in his life and his mother never gave him any. So he converted and of course right after he decided to convert his mother decided that she had to convert also. This is a woman who used to make snide comments about me being Catholic. To make matters worse she decides that instead of waiting for a year of instruction, etc., like every other convert does, she HAS to be confirmed before our wedding and this is like 6 months before the wedding that she decides this. Can you see why I think she is doing it because Oliver did and not because she really wants to be Catholic? The good part of me says I am just being suspicious, that it is a good thing that she found religion and is following it, but then there is that part that has seen her do this kind of thing before and is making it hard for me to accept it. I know I am a horrible person. But this is the woman who used to put a LARGE framed photo of HERSELF right over the bed he and I slept in. And every time I moved it, it would mysteriously show up again until I finally hid it in a drawer. Does anyone else think this is odd? We are also talking about someone who when her son (who supports her btw) offered to give her $2000 for her birthday so that she could go on a trip immediately asked if he could make it $3000 instead. I mean honestly! But that is enough about that. It makes my blood pressure go up and I don't need that right now.
I am getting very excited about the wedding. I cannot wait for it to happen. It is interesting to plan something like this and I hope the finished product is all that I have been picturing it to be. I should also clarify the last line of my previous journal entry, I didn't mean that I wouldn't know what to do with my life when it (meaning my life) was over but rather what I would do with myself when the wedding was over. It has been my main focus for the past ten months or so. I guess I might have to get a job.......OH the horror!!!! J/K I have had many jobs in my life and worked about 3 to get me through college so this little break after graduation has been a nice reprieve.......don't think badly of me, please.......Ok it is late and I am tired so goodnight all.........
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Latest reply: Jul 30, 1999
Just elope...
Posted Jul 29, 1999
That is my advice for anyone who is thinking about getting married. Trust me, before you invest time, effort and money into planning anything, just elope and save yourself some aggravation. I have 74 days or so until my wedding and I still feel like I am never going to be ready. I actually have clothing for it so I guess that is a step in the right direction. Who knows? But seriously, this would be much less stressful if my older brother were not getting married 2 months before me. I should never have thought this would be a good idea. Never. But that is ok because my wedding is going to be ten times better than theirs, I think, but then isn't that petty? I enjoy being petty, so get off my back....just kidding. The wedding thing is kind of fun but I am anxious for the day to be here. Not over just here. Of course I don't know what I will do with my life when it is over......................That's all, please go about your business....
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Latest reply: Jul 29, 1999
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