Journal Entries

Standing on the bridge

....looking at the river through a dead girl's eyes who'd been swimming at high tide....

....Who was HER spirit guide?

Also who's going to pick up the dog poo?

How many logs has ChiKiSpirit moved out of the way for the mountain bikers, hmmmm?

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Latest reply: Sep 8, 2006

I've just been talking to ChiKiSpirit

I was asking her about her crystals and wotnot and she says that she doesn't usually charge anything for crysatal healing but is quite happy if they are prepared to give a donation towards the cost of the crystal. She doesn't sell them either because she has never believed in selling crystals. It is not her way.

HOWEVER, she says she is getting extremely pee'd off because everywhere she goes she has been followed by the police, social services and now, toowhit, the TV licence people. As if they didn't know she doesn't have a TV.

She did like the man who came to visit her in Starcross, she thought he was very nice, but perhaps they could send a woman this time so they could share a smiley - tea and have a decent natter about DVD's.

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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2006

I've been thinking about my brother

My brother died several years ago now and I miss him as if he were gone yesterday. A very good friend of mine once said "Just think of him as having been 'Temporarily Misplaced'."

I liked that. One day I know we will meet again somewhere else, but it doesn't help the hurt or the pain of the emptiness.

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Latest reply: Aug 14, 2006

Thank Goodness!

smiley - cuddleI am pleased to say that Chiki has found her lost scores smiley - musicalnote She was quite distraught she couldn't find them. Thank goodness the smiley - ghost have now become smiley - angel in our abode smiley - orangebutterfly

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2006

Talkin' about sleeves

When is a sleeve NOT a sleeve?
When it is a front.

smiley - silly me I have just made the stupid mistake of comparing my
2nd sleeve with the front and have already cast off 15 stitches.

Having now FOUND the other sleeve I can see that I have been
decreasing far too early and will have to unravel it, either 9 or 10 rows.

Always more difficult with mohair.

Never mind, worse has happened at sea.

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Latest reply: Aug 5, 2006

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