This is a Journal entry by The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective
I've just been talking to ChiKiSpirit
The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective Started conversation Aug 17, 2006
I was asking her about her crystals and wotnot and she says that she doesn't usually charge anything for crysatal healing but is quite happy if they are prepared to give a donation towards the cost of the crystal. She doesn't sell them either because she has never believed in selling crystals. It is not her way.
HOWEVER, she says she is getting extremely pee'd off because everywhere she goes she has been followed by the police, social services and now, toowhit, the TV licence people. As if they didn't know she doesn't have a TV.
She did like the man who came to visit her in Starcross, she thought he was very nice, but perhaps they could send a woman this time so they could share a and have a decent natter about DVD's.
I've just been talking to ChiKiSpirit
ChiKiSpirit Posted Aug 17, 2006
That was a completely ridiculous thing to say. I saw a very nice hunky policeman today. They can follow me around as much as they like
I've just been talking to ChiKiSpirit
ChiKiSpirit Posted Aug 19, 2006
I only usually drink when I have cause to celebrate, which isn't very often at the moment, although my son has just got a new job I am not going to have a drink about that.
I never drink and drive.
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I've just been talking to ChiKiSpirit
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