Journal Entries

Mission Statement

I am pleased to say I successfully completed my mission with Bruce and that lady (whose name escapes me) today and can rest assured that I never want to go and Bank my money on a TV show.

smiley - rofl

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Latest reply: Jan 5, 2007

The Firework Display

It was absolutely brilliant! Thank you to the organisers.
It pleased me to be able to take the young ones along tonight.
That was the first time my daughter had ever been to a firework display with her Mum and the last time she'll ever eat a toffee apple. smiley - roflsmiley - winkeye
They can be a bit woolly inside can't they smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2006

Class 2 contributions

I am pleased to say I now know what they are and have successfully downloaded my self-assessment forms from

For more information about such practicalities you can go to: for downloadable return and for supplementary pages smiley - smiley

Hey ho! I wondered whether the still sell bottles of 103 brandy in Spain, no doubt my accountant won't tell me when he gets back from holiday because I don't need him any more now.

smiley - tasmiley - ta

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Latest reply: Oct 30, 2006

The room in my flat is very dark

smiley - rainbowI'm lighting another candle and hoping smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Oct 30, 2006

My Wester Overton T-Shirt is now a duster

I am not in the best of moods I have to say.
Is Adrian still in prison or has he mended his ways?

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Latest reply: Oct 26, 2006

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