This is the Message Centre for njan (afh)


Post 21

njan (afh)

Yay! Do that! smiley - smiley

Oh, I will. (What am I referring to?)

That sucks! Tell them it's cheaper and they wouldn't ahve to do anything.. that's what I did.


Post 22

Ming Mang
I don't think this is going to work...
Now I have to work out which other address to use...
smiley - winkeye

Good! smiley - smiley (enjoying Scouting)smiley - winkeye

Yes. I bring the subject up every time they start on at me... you'd think they'd have got the message by now...
*frowns again*
I really don't understand them...
If it wasn't for the fact that I want to live out off them for as long as possible, I'd move out when I reach 16...

This is depressing. Change of subject needed. Any ideas?



Post 23

Ming Mang

I did it... I voted for you! smiley - smiley
Now I'm just off to check the Post to see who DID win...



Post 24

njan (afh)

not me. smiley - smiley


Post 25

Ming Mang

No, not us either.
And we both got the same number of votes!
smiley - winkeye



Post 26

njan (afh)

oh. Cool! smiley - smiley

I think it's the best number of votes to have, myself.


Post 27

Ming Mang

(what am I agreeing with?)

Definately! Not too many, not too few. Just right, in fact! And that's proved by the amount of people who got 6 votes! We all tied for 5th amount of votes! I've forgotten how many there were, but there were more than the other amounts of votes...
If you understood that I would be mildly surprised, as I'm not sure I understand it myself...
smiley - winkeye



Post 28

njan (afh)

smiley - smiley
(I don't know..)

*nods*... yup. In fact, I think we should have won, because we got that number of votes. *g*


Post 29

Ming Mang

smiley - smiley
(Nor do I...)

Oh, definately! smiley - smiley *nods also*
And there would be a sort of government... maybe that's not ~quite~ the right word for it... group what agrees, maybe that's better?
I don't know...



Post 30

Ming Mang

Anyone around?



Post 31

Ming Mang

*feels awkward*


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