How Teflon sticks to the pan.
Well recentaly a question was purposed to me, "if nothing sticks to teflon then how does teflon stick to the pan" i thought about this for a while but my brain realized what i was up to and wanted no part of it, so he went back to sleep but not before calling a stupid monkey man and kicking me in the butt. So i decided to ask the source, i went to the local store aand found a teflon coated pan and it asked it how it sticks to the pan, this got me some strange looks and ccomments from the other patrons but neverthe less i went on asking. Tefoln is not a very pleasent substance and was very rude untill i got forceful and smashed it on a loneley toaster who was about to be bought, pitty, but enough, the tefloon finally gave in and told me. Teflon sticks to the pan because the pan is very nice and gives very good back massages. I asked it how the pan gives back massages it told me to bugger off and that was the end of that. oh yes, the lonely toaster found a lonely microwave in the the dump and they now live somewhere in nevada very happily, they write every now and then, he's very forgiveing about the whole smashing bit. RX355Conversations
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none | Oct 7, 1999 | No Replies |
none | Sep 8, 1999 | No Replies |
blah | Jul 13, 1999 | No Replies |
none | Jul 5, 1999 | No Replies |
none | Jul 2, 1999 | No Replies |
Zarn-Pan Daemon
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