Journal Entries

I'm going through changes.

Thanks, Ozzy.

Alright...I know...I started this journal with gusto; adding at least one entry a week. Now I'm nothing more than a pathetic waste of memory in the Guide's data banks. I feel!

Today I break my leash. Today I leap from the rushing train of Corporate America and tumble head-over-heels down the rough embankment of personal enterprise. Tonight I wash down my happiness with a gallon of whiskey and a Coke.

Hopefully, within a week or so, I'll even have 'net access in my own these durned entries will start coming on a regular basis again and I'll be able to get some serious searching through the depths of the Guide, as well.

Stay cheery, y'all. =)D: 

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Latest reply: Sep 30, 1999

Apoplexy Ad Naseum

Don't know...just sounded groovy.

So how is everyone these days? Seems to me that the world in general is feeling a little under the weather. Maybe too much pollution. Maybe too many murders. Maybe too much sickness, hunger, despair or laziness. Yeah...might explain some things.

I don't buy it, though. I think it all comes down to not enough laughter. People taking things altogether too seriously, while not actually taking the truly serious matters seriously at all. And through it all...not enough people are laughing. And what happens when people don't laugh? They expand like a hot air balloon and float off into the center of the Sun where they are burned into so little matter that they can't be scraped up to fill a thimble.

So remember...laugh. Keep yourself on the outside edge of serious at all times, but not so as to neglect things that really should get done. And, as a famous person once said, "Keep your head in the clouds and your feet below your knees." =)D:


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Latest reply: Jul 16, 1999

The Taoist Take on 42

{From the Tao Te Ching as translated by Brian Browne Walker}
{Entry #42}

Nonbeing gives birth to the oneness.
The oneness gives birth to yin and yang.
Yin and yang give birth to heaven, earth,
and beings.
Heaven, earth, and beings give birth
to everything in existence.

Therefore everything in existence carries
within it both yin and yang, and attains
its harmony by blending together
these two vital breaths.

Ordinary people hate nothing more than to be
powerless, small, and unworthy.
Yet this is how superior people
describe themselves.
Gain is loss.
Loss is gain.

I repeat what others have said:
The strong and violent don't die natural deaths.
This is the very essence of my teaching.

-Lao Tzu

[Just a little something I fell asleep thinking
about last night. =)D: ]

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Latest reply: Jul 7, 1999

How to Remove Stress

Well. For a long time there were various psychedelic...errr...substances which I employed to aid in the simple process of relaxation, but I have found, since then, less physically damaging (not to mention legal) ways of accomplishing this task. The most effective one of these has been self-hypnosis which eventually allows the body to relax beyond the point of mere lounging around in front of the television. Alcohol is still a useful tool when the mind is too cluttered with detrius from the previous ten hours to focus on relaxing, as its powers as a numbing agent are legendary...just ask Ford. Barring all else, my roommate hits me in the head with a hammer until I stop twitching. That never fails to help me go to sleep.

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Latest reply: Jul 2, 1999

Work as Torture Device

Okay. I'll keep this short. I work approximately 10 hours per day. It takes around 45 minutes to get to work and another 45 to get back home. I spend 45 minutes getting ready for work in the morning and about 45 minutes removing the stress from the day when I arrive at my apartment. (Total time so far: 13 hours/day) I sleep for about 7 hours a night. (Total time: 20 hours/day) This leaves me with roughly 4 hours per day with which I can do anything I like. I do have the pleasure of weekends off, giving me another 38 or so hours a week to myself...totalling my free time up to somewhere in the vicinity of 58 hours a week. I leave this journal entry as an explanation of my incredulous laughter at my credit card company's suggestion that I get a second job in order to "eliminate my debt" to them. =)D: 

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Latest reply: Jul 1, 1999

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