This is a Journal entry by Purple Lemur

How to Remove Stress

Post 1

Purple Lemur

Well. For a long time there were various psychedelic...errr...substances which I employed to aid in the simple process of relaxation, but I have found, since then, less physically damaging (not to mention legal) ways of accomplishing this task. The most effective one of these has been self-hypnosis which eventually allows the body to relax beyond the point of mere lounging around in front of the television. Alcohol is still a useful tool when the mind is too cluttered with detrius from the previous ten hours to focus on relaxing, as its powers as a numbing agent are legendary...just ask Ford. Barring all else, my roommate hits me in the head with a hammer until I stop twitching. That never fails to help me go to sleep.

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How to Remove Stress

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